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1. Articles are words that accompany the noun and always go before it. They are divided into defined and undefined.

2. Exceptions: when a singular feminine noun begins with "a" or "has" tonic, we place the definite article "el". However, we continue to use the indefinite feminine article "una". Example: The eagle / An eagle

3. El artículo definido posee también una forma neutra “LO”, que se utiliza acompañando a adjetivos, adverbios, pronombres posesivos o participios para transformarlo en sustantivos abstractos: Ejemplo: Lo importante es hacer el trabajo a tiempo. Es impresionante lo bien que habla español. Necesito que recojas lo mío. De todo lo estudiado, el tema de los verbos irregulares es el más difícil.

4. In Spanish there are only two articles contracted: a + el = a Example: I go to the (a + el) park of + the = of the Example: I come from the (of + the) park

5. Contractions Contractions are generated when the article is preceded by prepositions "a" or "de". They are formed from the following structure: Preposition + Article = Contraction Examples to the I go to the field of the Bank's Vengo

6. The neutral article "lo" is used to mark abstraction, that is, it transforms adjectives into abstract nouns. Does not indicate gender (female or male). The hard part of learning Spanish are the conjugations. You have to take advantage of the good things in life. The best part of my trip was ...

7. Notes Usually when the indefinite article is before a predicative noun is not used. He is an actor in TV series. He is a doctor. But it is used when it is accompanied by an adjective. It is a new actor of teleseries. He is an excellent doctor.

8. Defined articles are those that speak of something we know and can identify. Indefinite articles are those that speak of something we do not know or can not identify.

9. In Spanish, the two types of articles have a feminine, masculine, singular and plural form:

10. Articles must always agree on gender and number with the noun that accompanies

11. Examples: Car (masculine singular) - The car - A car House (singular female) - The house - A house Cars (masculine plural) - Cars - Some cars Houses (female plural) - The houses - Some houses