The Etobicoke Children's Centre (ECC)

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The Etobicoke Children's Centre (ECC) por Mind Map: The Etobicoke Children's Centre (ECC)

1. Vision/Goal

1.1. "The ECC improves infant, child, youth and family well-being by providing effective community based mental health and autism services."

1.2. "Children, youth and their families succeeding in their daily lives."

2. Philosophy

2.1. "In partnership and collaboration with children, youth, families and our community partners, the ECC provides equitable, caring, respectful and knowledgeable mental health and autism services which are responsive and accessible to the diverse needs of children, families and communities."

3. Core Values (Equity/Inclusion)

3.1. All individuals have strengths and are capable of learning, adapting and growing. "Kids do well if they can!" (Dr. Ross Greene)

3.2. Diversity strengthens and improves lives.

3.3. Everyone is responsible for taking ownership for their actions and behaviour and taking steps to improve.

3.4. Children, youth, and families have the right to be involved in service planning and decision-making process

3.5. Goals and outcomes must be achievable, monitored, reviewed, and evaluated.

4. Services

4.1. 1. Autism

4.1.1. Registering for the Ontario Autism Program

4.2. 2. Mental Health

4.2.1. Counselling

4.2.2. Day School Milieu Treatment Program (DSMTP)

4.2.3. Groups

4.2.4. West End Services for Abuse and Trauma (WESAT)

4.3. 3. Walk-in Clinic

5. Where to Contact

5.1. The Etobicoke Children’s Centre 65 Hartsdale Drive, Etobicoke, ON M9R 2S8 200 Ronson Dr., (4th floor) Etobicoke, ON M9W 5Z9 Tel: (416) 240-1111 Fax: (416) 240-7999 [email protected]