Univariate measures position measures

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Univariate measures position measures por Mind Map: Univariate measures position measures

1. The decile

1.1. It refers to a quantile that divides the data into ten equal parts. there are nine deciles, from D1 to D9. D5 corresponds to the median.

2. percentile

2.1. This quantile divides the distribution into one hundred parts. There are 99 percentiles. It has, in turn, an equivalence with the deciles and quartiles.

3. They are statistical indicators that allow data to be summarized in a single data or distributed in intervals of the same size.

3.1. They are used to measure and divide data.

4. Non-central position measurements

4.1. the quantiles

4.1.1. series of equal divisions in the ordered distribution of data

5. The most common are:

6. the quartile

6.1. Divide the distribution into four equal parts.

6.1.1. there are three quartiles The lower values ​​of the distribution are located below the first (Q1) Half or median are the smaller values ​​equal to quartile two (Q2) the superiors are represented by quartile three (Q3)

7. the quintile

7.1. The distribution is divided into five parts, thus there are four quintiles, likewise there is no value that divides the distribution into two equal parts.