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COVID-19 por Mind Map: COVID-19

1. DEATHS IN COLOMBIA Bogotá - 2.543 Valle del Cauca - 904 Antioquia - 468 Bolívar - 268 Atlántico - 253 Cundinamarca - 219 Risaralda - 193 Quindío - 60 Huila - 104 Norte de Santander - 69 Magdalena - 172 Nariño - 118 Caldas - 59 Boyacá - 37 Santander - 40 Cesar - 55 Tolima - 66 Meta - 363 Cauca - 35 Córdoba - 26 Casanare - 16 San Andrés y Providencia - 6 Amazonas - 104 Caquetá - 8 La Guajira- 5 Sucre - 1 Chocó - 13

2. respiratory disease that spreads from person to person caused by a new coronavirus.

3. The cloth face covering is not a substitute for social distancing.

4. COVID-19 can cause mild to severe illness; Adults 65 years of age or older and people of any age with serious underlying health problems are most likely to become seriously ill.

5. Use a cloth face covering in public settings to prevent the spread of COVID-19 to others in case you are infected but have no symptoms.

6. Cases of COVID-19 and community spread are being reported in all states.

7. A pandemic is a worldwide outbreak of a disease. Pandemics happen when a new virus emerges that infects people and can spread among them in a sustainable way. Because there is little or no pre-existing immunity to the new virus, it spreads throughout the world.

8. Coronavirus in the world: 3,127,519 infected 217,569 deaths 935,646 recovered