Theoretical Paradigms

Theoretical Paradigms

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Theoretical Paradigms por Mind Map: Theoretical Paradigms

1. The meaning exists in the Author's mind.

2. Hermeneutics

2.1. E.D. Hirsch, Jr.

2.2. They focus on the experience of the author.

2.3. The meaning of the text is objective and non-changing.

2.4. Separated meaning from language.

3. Phenomenology

3.1. Edmund Husserl.

3.2. Language is just a tool.

3.3. Unevaluative.

4. Reception Theory

4.1. Wolfgang Iser.

4.2. The meaning is in the reader's mind.

4.3. The author only drops hints.

4.4. Multiple interpretations of a text can be given.

5. Structuralism

5.1. Reduces a text to the relationship between its parts.

5.2. Types of relationships: parallelism, equivalence, opposition.

5.3. Influenced by structuralist linguistic system.

6. Semiotics

6.1. Yury Lotman.

6.2. The study of the signs.

6.3. Studies the relationship between signs and what they signify.

6.4. Text is fully realized in the reader's mind.

7. Russian Formalism

7.1. Roman Jakobson

7.2. Emphasis on the unity of work.

7.3. Anything external is ignored.