Examples Of Fractions In Real Life

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Examples Of Fractions In Real Life por Mind Map: Examples Of Fractions In Real Life

1. 6- Tom read a book containing 280 pages .The fraction of pages he read on Sunday is 100/280 .The fraction of book he read on Monday 180/280 . Fraction in smpilified form = 100/280 = 5/14 , 180/280 = 9/14

1.1. Like Fraction

2. 2- Tom completed his home work in 45 minutes . So the fraction of an hour in which Tom completed his homework is ¾ of an hour .

2.1. Proper Fraction

3. 3 - Tom brought two water melons . Out of which he ate 1/2 of a water melon . So 1 1/2 water melons are left .

3.1. Mixed Fraction

4. 7- Tom opened a packet of biscuits . There were 10 biscuits and he ate all the 10 biscuits .

4.1. Whole Fraction

5. 1. Tom bought a large pizza for his family from Papa Johns . There are 4 members in Toms family .His dad told that he needed to give all the family members the same quantity of pizza . So He divided the pizza into four pieces that means each family member got 1/4 of the pizza .

5.1. Unit Fraction

6. 4- Tom was expecting his uncles visit . His father brought 1 pizza .His uncle also brought one pizza with him when he visited Toms family . His mother cut each pizza into eight pieces . Toms family and his uncle ate 7 slices . So 1 1/8 that means 9/8 of the pizza is left .

6.1. Improper Fraction .

7. 5- Tom and his sister Kia started reading a book . Tom took a book containing 280 pages and Kia a book containing 210 pages . Within one hour Tom read 60/280 pages and Kia read 40/210 pages . Fraction in simplified form - 60/280= 3/14 and 40/210 pages = 4/21

7.1. Unlike Fraction