Acceleration within gifted program

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Acceleration within gifted program por Mind Map: Acceleration within gifted program

1. Problem Question: How might we support students who are faster/more independent than the rest of their class, while keeping them engaged?

2. Ideas for system - unused

2.1. Professional homeschooling company

2.1.1. We find homeschool teachers to give to parents who can't homeschool their kids

2.2. Curriculum compacting system

2.2.1. We find the main points of the curriculum to compact down to, and we provide the pretests to the teachers.

3. Pros of system

3.1. Higher Student engagement

3.1.1. Helps to prevent premature exit from high school (dropping out)

3.2. Getting to accelerate with the same students - not having to make new friends every year

3.3. Get to work with like minded individuals

3.4. Move at your own pace

4. Cons of system

4.1. Potential Misidentification

4.2. May have a hard time integrating into situations where academic levels are irrelevant

4.3. Added pressure from parents

5. Citations

5.1. Gifted Children, National Association For. “Curriculum Compacting.” Curriculum Compacting | National Association for Gifted Children,

5.2. National Association for Gifted Children. “Acceleration.” Acceleration | National Association for Gifted Children,

5.3. Vahidi, Siamak. “The Eight Steps to Curriculum Compacting: The National Research Center on the Gifted and Talented (1990-2013).” The National Research Center on the Gifted and Talented 19902013, 23 July 2015,

5.4. “Homeschooling Pros and Cons.” Calvert Education, 10 Nov. 2017,

5.5. Loveless, Becton. “Pros and Cons of Gifted Learning Programs in Schools.” Education Corner,

6. Weekly Challenges

6.1. Math Problem #2

6.2. Hansel and Gretel are on trial

6.2.1. Verdict: Guilty

6.3. Started Tiny Home

6.3.1. I confused myself so I stopped

7. Important Questions

7.1. What would the system look like?

7.1.1. Within a self contained gifted classroom, students would have the opportunity to advance through individual subjects at a faster pace. Example; If one student was proficient in math, during the class's math lesson they would go to a separate room, and work online on a condensed curriculum, that could be at a higher grade level.

7.2. How structured would the system be?

7.3. What are some areas of concern?

7.4. What would be the parameters set by the school board?

7.4.1. Email sent to try and find that out

7.5. What would be the parameters set by the province?

7.6. How could we determine who's right for the system?

7.6.1. Teachers would perform a pretest on all students to see if any of them are right for this system

8. Rationale

8.1. I love school but it moves very slowly. The whole class has to move at the same pace as the slowest

9. Personal Connection

9.1. I am a fast, and independent learner. School is tailored towards slower, more dependant learners. This isn't fair to learners like me.

10. Stakeholders

10.1. Anyone who moves faster through school than most others, teachers, school board, parents, act.

11. Impact

11.1. Kids would be more engaged in school if it would move at a better pace for them.

12. Potential Problems/Starting Points

12.1. No fun to workout/stretch

12.2. Irish dance for dummies