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NAFTA por Mind Map: NAFTA

1. Objetivos: Los objetivos de los tratados son: • Eliminar obstáculos al comercio y facilitar la circulación de bienes y de servicios. • Promover condiciones de competencia leal. • Proteger y hacer valer, de manera adecuada y efectiva, los derechos de propiedad intelectual. • Crear procedimientos eficaces para la aplicación y cumplimiento de este tratado, para su administración conjunta y para la solución de controversias.

2. Causas:

2.1. Starts between the presidential terms of Miguel de la Madrid (1982-1988) and Carlos Salina de Gortari (1988-1994).

2.2. NAFTA is signed on October 7, 1992

2.3. Conservative trend among the governments signing the treaty

2.4. Development inequality by the countries throughout their history

2.5. They create a common model following the example of the European Union


3.1. Mexico

3.2. United States of America

3.3. Canada

4. Consecuencias:

4.1. Estimated 80% -90% of Mexican imports and exports to the United States

4.2. Many Mexican companies went bankrupt, were absorbed or bought by multinational companies with more capital and better infrastructure

4.3. The United States has given priority to its trade relations with other countries

5. Conclusion-

5.1. The import substitution system failed by not promoting companies unable to compete

5.2. Apparent return to the commercial homogeneity of previous centuries

5.3. The results of NAFTA have not been satisfactory for the population of the countries