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Gaming por Mind Map: Gaming

1. Flash Embedded Objects

2. lottery and cash prizes

2.1. youtube

2.1.1. machima

2.2. mlg

3. Future of gaming

3.1. Kinect

3.2. Siri - artificial intelligence

3.3. Virtual Reality

3.4. Second Life

3.5. SIMS

4. Competitiveness

4.1. challenges

4.2. achievements

4.3. ranking

4.4. clans

5. Systems

5.1. Nintendo 64

5.2. Xbox 360

5.2.1. Gears of war 3

5.2.2. Call Of Duty

5.2.3. Halo

5.3. PlayStation

5.3.1. Max Payne

5.3.2. Skyrim

5.3.3. Street Fighter

6. First Person Shooter

6.1. Battlefield 3

6.2. Call of Duty®: Modern Warfare

6.3. Halo

6.4. Wolfenstein 3D