My Freshman Portfolio

Just an initial demo map, so that you don't start with an empty map list ...

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My Freshman Portfolio por Mind Map: My Freshman Portfolio

1. Meteorology

1.1. Core Standard 2

1.2. SWLO Creative Problem Solving

1.3. Reflection

1.4. Artifact

2. Oppression Project

2.1. Core Standard 3

2.2. SWLO Work Ethic/Technology

2.3. Reflection

2.4. Artifact

3. Sport Article

3.1. Core Standard 4

3.2. SWLO Work Ethic

3.3. Reflection

4. Success

4.1. Core Standard 1

4.2. SWLO Work Ethic/Citizenship

4.3. Reflection

5. Data Reflection

6. Children's Book

6.1. Core Standard 6

6.2. SWLO Collaboration/Content

6.3. Reflection

6.4. Artifacts

7. Tree Placement Project

7.1. Core Standard 5

7.2. SWLO Collaboration/Work Ethic

7.3. Reflection

8. Industrial Revolution Packet

8.1. Core Standard 7

8.2. SWLO Work Ethic/Content

8.3. Reflection

9. Personal Section