Livemindmapping of TEDGlobal 2012

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Livemindmapping of TEDGlobal 2012 por Mind Map: Livemindmapping of  TEDGlobal 2012

1. Who

1.1. Alexis van Dam

1.2. Mathieu van der Wal

1.3. Jerre Lubberts

1.4. Follow @worldofminds on Twitter for updates

2. What

2.1. Livemindmapping of the talks streamed from TEDGlobal 2012

2.2. an Idea Dontation Center

2.2.1. at TEDxAmsterdamLive

3. Where

3.1. Online

3.1.1. On this page!

3.2. TEDxAmsterdamLive simulcast

3.2.1. De Balie, Amsterdam

4. When

4.1. June 27th 2012

4.2. Have a look at the program map

5. How

5.1. Two livemindmappers of World of Minds

5.1.1. using MindMeister

5.2. Using stream available at the TEDxAmsterdamLive simulcast location

6. Currently...

6.1. TEDGlobal 2012 has finished!