Camping places in D. R.

Camping places

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1. Costa Azul Camp

1.1. Ubication Gaspar Hernández, Espaillat

1.2. Advice Be careful with the beach!!

2. Mirador del Este Park

2.1. Ubication Santo Domingo

2.2. Advice Is such a big place, bring your mosquito repellent

3. Campo Aventura Camp

3.1. Ubication Comatillo, Bayaguana

3.2. Advice ¨Just hace fun! There are many activities

4. Diego de Ocampo Peak

4.1. Ubication Santiago

4.2. Advice Prepare yourself physically and get enogh water

5. San Valentín

5.1. Ubication San José de las Matas

5.2. Advice It's a really cold place (especially the river)