History of Visual Communcations

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History of Visual Communcations por Mind Map: History of Visual Communcations

1. Hieroglyphics

1.1. Pyraminds

1.1.1. 3 great pyramids

1.1.2. burial for

2. Cave Paintings 55,000 years ago

2.1. Lascaux Cave

2.1.1. France

2.1.2. oldest known paintings

2.2. Altamira Cave

2.2.1. Spain

2.2.2. red pigment

2.3. Reasons why cave paintings were created

2.3.1. 1. instruction of technique

2.3.2. 2. storytelling

2.3.3. 3. religious/superstitious

3. Cuneiform and the Sumerians