Education Theories

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Education Theories por Mind Map: Education Theories

1. Media Ecology

1.1. Study of media environments and its effect on people and behaviour

1.1.1. Techology, information, communication play leading role in human affairs

1.2. is Techological determinism

1.2.1. Media logic and is emerging as a new feild of inquiry

2. Tecnology Theories

2.1. SCOT

2.1.1. Human action shapes tecnology

2.1.2. Technology is part of a social context

2.1.3. responce to techological determinism and known as technological constructivism

3. Learning Theories

3.1. Constructivism

3.1.1. Learning is constructed and knowledge is built over existing knowledge An evolving process learning is building

3.1.2. Understandings change to accommodate new experiences

3.1.3. Emphasizes authentic, challenging learning which includes students. Inquiry bases

3.1.4. Learners assume responsibility for learning by reflecting Teacher is a facilitator to learning reflective process

3.1.5. Shared understandings occur by collaboration

3.2. Cognitive Load

3.2.1. Explains the limits of working memory. Memory is composed a working memory, long-term memory and schema.

3.2.2. Working memory can be overloaded when processing to much too quickly

3.2.3. Schemas are in long-term memory and when developed allows for unconscious ability called automation

3.2.4. Three types are extraneous (lost from working memory), intrinsic (working memory), and germane (effort learning)

3.3. Connectivism

3.3.1. A theory for the digital age informational, networked, and is a technology enabled area

3.3.2. Learning must be accomplised increased ability or a gain in some knowledge Connections must be maintained and nurtured

3.3.3. Importance is on knowing where to find information acktual knowing of information is not as important

4. Philosophy of Teachology

4.1. A personal plan for incorporating technology into ones teaching

4.2. purposeful reflection of technology

4.3. purposeful reflection of teaching practices


5.1. Framework for managing knowledge

5.1.1. Content knowledge

5.1.2. Pedagogy knowledge New node

5.1.3. Technology knowledge

5.2. effectiveness of today's teachers depend on this management

5.3. Framework for bridging the gap between content and teaching, content and technology, and pedagogy and technology

5.4. Specifically tailored for each individual