The social sciences and his methods of research

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The social sciences and his methods of research por Mind Map: The social sciences and his methods of research

1. Ethnomethodology method

1.1. Study everyday practices

1.2. explore the language, communication and vocabulary different fields and contexts, like studying the variants regions of a language. A An example of this is knowing the manner in which certain things in different countries Spanish speakers

1.3. Among his instruments research are the interviews, recordings, records and diaries

2. narrative design method

2.1. Seeks to investigate experiences, anecdotes and life stories

2.2. Obtain subjective data

2.3. This method is used in History Contemporary and oral history, social anthropology, psychology, sociology, law, among others social Sciences

2.4. Among its techniques and instruments there is the interview, the diaries, the memoirs and biographies, as well as the analysis of objects, books, documents or records

3. Action research method

3.1. looking to solve problems social conditions such as poverty, migration, inequality, insecurity and discrimination

3.2. Try to be reflective and self directed

3.3. Among his techniques and instruments: There are the surveys, the interviews, media, books and magazines

4. Grounded theory method

4.1. Start a theory from data and information obtained

4.2. It is of inductive type when pretending make generalizations in studies linguistics, education, sociology and communication

4.3. Among its techniques and instruments interviews are counted, observation, records or observation diaries

5. They are based on observation analysis and verification of hypotheses in different contexts of human collectivities. There are 6 methods

6. Phenomenology method

6.1. Study concepts and objects arisen in a pure way in the awareness

6.2. Try to be objective and study the sense of things

6.3. It is a method used in philosophical inquiry and humanistic

6.4. Among its techniques and instruments are the conversations, recordings, philosophical reflections, documents and review bibliographic

7. ethnographic method

7.1. Observe, describe and interpret different groups of people

7.2. It is mainly used in sciences such as anthropology and ethnography

7.3. Seeks to study different groups social and their forms of organization

7.4. His techniques and instruments of research are the interviews, field notes, photographs, videos, maps and observation direct