Post Secondary Options

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Post Secondary Options por Mind Map: Post Secondary Options

1. Private

2. Bachelor's Degree

2.1. Undergraduate degree given by four year colleges and Universities.

2.2. University

2.3. 4 Year College


3.1. Stands for Free Application for Federal Student Aid

4. Undergraduate

4.1. Person pursuing a one, two, or four year degree

5. Tuition

5.1. Amount paid for each credit hour of enrollment

6. Distance Education

6.1. A way of delivering education to a person

7. Junior College

7.1. A college that is usually private

8. Master's Degrees

8.1. Can be obtained after earning a Bachelor's Degree

9. Doctorate Degree

9.1. A degree that has a wealth of opportunity awaiting for you

10. Undergraduate Degrees

10.1. Degrees consisting of Associate and Bachelor's degrees

11. Graduate Degrees

11.1. Degrees consisting of Doctorate and Master's degree

12. Technical School

12.1. Teaches the science behind the career occuptation

13. Career Schools

13.1. Offers careers in order to help prepare students

14. ACT and SAT

14.1. Acronyms for American College Test and Scholastic Altitude Test

14.2. Colleges may require the results of these tests in order for admission

15. Public

16. Associate's Degree

16.1. Granted upon completion of a program of at least two, but less than four years of college work.

16.2. Community College

17. Vocational School

17.1. Focuses on hands on application of skills in order to do the job