Policies and Measures address drivers and agents of changes in PRAP Lam Dong

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Policies and Measures address drivers and agents of changes in PRAP Lam Dong por Mind Map: Policies and Measures address drivers and agents of changes in PRAP Lam Dong

1. Possible Future policies, plannings, plans impacts to forest resources

1.1. Positives impacts

1.1.1. Institutional arrangement for REDD+ to improve forest governance

1.1.2. Improved forest monitoring system in the province for better forest management Conduct forest monitoring and forest inventory periodically

1.1.3. Approaches to promote and support safeguards

1.1.4. Development of Forest Protection and Development Planning at district level Implementation in 12 districts

1.1.5. Strengthen management institutions and development of human resources ready for REDD+

1.1.6. Review and improve the land use planning, and strengthen the implementation of provincial forest protection and development plan

1.1.7. Planning of 03 forest types

1.1.8. Review and improve the contracting, allocation, lease, and use of forests and forest land

1.1.9. Strengthen the dissemination, raise awareness, and mobilize the participation of the local people and communities in REDD+ implementation while implementing activities for livelihood improvement

1.1.10. Review agriculture planning

1.1.11. Connection of various sectors on plannings

1.1.12. Mining planning

1.2. Stop being a impacted policies

1.2.1. Hydro power plannings

1.2.2. Rubbers plannings

2. Government policies impacts on forest resources

2.1. New rural program

2.2. Payment for forest environmental services policy

2.3. 661 program with 5 million ha plantations

2.4. 327 program

2.5. Provincial budget on forest contracting

2.6. 30A reduce poverty

2.7. forest products processing program

2.8. Rural enterprises development program

2.9. 134 program on rural housing development

2.10. 135 on land allocation prorgam

2.11. Households settlement program

2.12. Plantation from standing trees? funds

2.13. Improve values of Non timber forest products

2.14. Forest leased program to private businesses

3. Past 1990-2013

4. Present - 2014

5. Future to 2020

6. Agents of Change in Forest Resources

6.1. Drivers of Deforestation

6.1.1. Forest Conversion to Agriculture

6.1.2. Forest to residential and infrastructure

6.1.3. Logging activities

6.2. Indirect drivers of deforestation

6.2.1. Increase of population

6.2.2. Low income people living close to forest

6.2.3. Forest Fire

6.2.4. Low forest rangers forces

6.2.5. Agriculture products demand

6.2.6. Cities expansion and energy demand increase

6.2.7. Low Productivity of agriculture

6.3. Drivers of Forest Degradation

6.3.1. Natural forest selective logging

6.3.2. Illegal logging

6.3.3. Ineffective Implementation of silvicultural and management

6.4. Indirect drivers of forest degradation

6.4.1. Forest fire and natural causes of tree fall

6.4.2. Poor implement of silvicultural measures

6.4.3. low forest ennforcements

6.4.4. Converting natural bamboo forest, degraded forest to plantation forest and rubber plantation lead to monocultures, declining biodiversity

6.4.5. Prescribed burning

6.5. Agents of Forest Enhancement

6.5.1. assisted regeneration

6.5.2. enrichment

6.5.3. Afforestation, reforestation

6.5.4. agro-forestry

7. Sectors Plannings impacts on forest resources

7.1. Social economic development master planning

7.2. Land use planning

7.3. Forest protection and development planning

7.4. Transportation planning

7.5. Hydro power planning

7.6. Agriculture planning

7.7. High technology planning

7.8. Rubber planning

7.9. Irrigation planning

7.10. Electricity planning

7.11. Three kind of forest planning

8. Possible measures

8.1. Support for sustainable forest management plan and FSC for forestry companies

8.1.1. 8 Forest companies

8.2. Forest contracting with bundling PFES and REDD+

8.2.1. Continue contract with PFES

8.2.2. Piloting payment for participation in forest protection from REDD+ funding

8.3. Restoration of serious degraded forests

8.3.1. Forest enrichment

8.3.2. Assisted natural regeneration

8.4. Plantations in various types of land uses

8.4.1. Bare land

8.4.2. Agroforestry

8.4.3. In encroachment areas

8.5. Enhance fire prevention model and replaced prescribed burning solution

8.5.1. Improve forest fire prevention system

8.6. Support the development of people's livelihood

8.6.1. Supports for sustainable coffee production

8.6.2. Eco tourism

8.6.3. Support for village development fund

8.6.4. Supports small scale rubber plantation

8.7. Encourage implementation of activities with multiple benefits

8.8. Raising awareness of local communities

8.9. Capacity building for forest rangers

8.10. Improve efficiency forest contracting activities

8.11. Seeking for funding on forest protection and development