Simplified Version of Final Messy / Working Map

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Simplified Version of Final Messy / Working Map por Mind Map: Simplified Version of Final Messy / Working Map

1. Relevancy of therapeutic conversation (II.A)

2. Impact of substance use/misuse (II.F)

3. The influence of counsellors lived experience (II.E)

4. Personality mismatch between therapist and client (II.F)

5. Confusion about the therapeutic process (II.B)

6. Conflict (II.E)

7. Congruency between therapist and client values and beliefs (II.D)

8. Counsellor familiarity with newer/various types of gambling (II.E)

9. Environment - office (II.B)

10. The way gambling is portrayed on poker shows (II.F)

11. Therapist Judgment (II.F)

12. Lack of trust in counsellor skills/abilities (II.C)

13. Being "fixed" not "helped" (II.B)

14. Societal perception about gamblers (II.B)

15. Rising/realizing own strength (I.1)

16. Therapeutic use of humor (II.E)

17. Individual interviews (II.C)

18. Correcting the therapist (II.A)

19. "It is not their role to make me better" (II.F)

20. How do clients support views of themselves that are not necessarily available in therapy? (II. memo)

21. "Feeling respected by therapist helped me participate in sessions" (II.D)

22. How does a therapist repair a ruptured therapeutic alliance? (I - memo)

23. The economy (I.con)

24. Therapeutic discourse (I.1)

25. PB clients respond to focusing on what causes them to suffer (I.6)

26. Participant recruitment for study (I.con)

27. Meaning-making in therapeutic interactions (I.3)

28. Researcher Journal (I. - con)

29. Member / accuracy checks (I.con)

30. What value does this research hold for health care practitioners? (I-memo)

31. Requirements of practice according to governing bodies (I.2)

32. Employee Assistance Program (EAP) (I.6)

33. Use of mindfulness (I.4)

34. Can action research help facilitate improvements to therapy for problem gamblers? (I-memo)

35. Importance of peer support during recovery (I.4)

36. Discourse Interest Group (I.-Con)

37. Keeping clients accountable (I.6)

38. Accumulation of financial burden (i.3)

39. Short vs. long-term therapy (I.5)

40. Level / emotions in therapy (I.4)

41. Age discrepancy between client and counsellors (I.1)

42. Counselling education level and type of training (I.6)

43. What the textbook says vs. what "actually happens" in therapy (I.2)

44. Views that counsellors are responsible for changing clients (I.3)

45. Empirically-supported treatment necessary (I.1)

46. Chronicity/severity of gambling behaviour (I.4)

47. Type of gambling influenced by age and income (I.2)

48. Ability of counsellor to see uniqueness of client experiences (I.3)

49. "Casino culture" in Victoria, BC (III.E)

50. Lack of clear regulation of treatment services (III.6)

51. Acknowledgement of stigma "as it happens" in therapeutic conversation (III.6)

52. Problem gambling as a deviancy (III.6)

53. Cultural variance impacting therapy (III,.1)

54. "Keeping a therapy journal helped me during process" (III.A)

55. Multiple levels of power influencing sessions (III.1)

56. "Not all gambling activities are the same" (III.E)

57. Decline in personal health (client (III.5)

58. Need to increase awareness of knowledge related to problem gambling (III.6)

59. "Need for gambler and counsellors to have further meetings/conferences" (III.A)

60. Changes in perception of self over time (III.E)

61. Are attitudes towards problem gamblers different from various types of health care practitioners? (III - memo)

62. Decline in government spending on all health care issues impacts clients (III.5)

63. Is there a split between academia and practice? (III-Memo)

64. "reframing problem gambling is helpful" (III.6)

65. Acknowledgement of reasons for client resistance (III.1)

66. Systematic inequalities (III.1)

67. Participant clients (III-con)

68. Expectation (results) from counselling (III.A)

69. A need for better suited therapies (III.A)

70. Client involvement necessary for setting therapy goals (III.6)

71. Volunteering might be helpful for problem gamblers (III.A)

72. Moral management of gambling identity (III.5)

73. Is it possible to separate problem gambling from addiction? III - memo)

74. Morality of problem gambling (III.5)

75. "Need to challenge existing literature on PG" (III.1)

76. New appreciation for therapeutic intention (III.A)

77. Are the emerging types of gambling more damaging? (technology) (III-memo)