The final activity

Just an initial demo map, so that you don't start with an empty map list ...

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The final activity por Mind Map: The final activity

1. The Alphabet

1.1. Learn the alphabet in English is essential if we want to learn English. For this reason you must learn the correct pronunciation of each letter of the alphabet in English, although English is not like the Spanish, since the pronunciations of each letter will vary depending on each situation and the alphabet in English we have learned could contradict.

2. Time

2.1. Three o´ clock

2.2. Ten past nine

2.3. Half past two

3. Clothing

3.1. Dress-vestido

3.2. Slippers-zapatillas

3.3. Earrings-pendientes

4. Be or not Be

4.1. I am not

4.2. He, She, It is not

4.3. We, you, they are not

4.4. Are we a funny clowns? Yes, we are/No, we are not

5. Present Continuous

5.1. Sujeto + verbo auxiliar ("to be") + gerundio ("-ing").

6. Family members

6.1. GRANDPARENTS: Abuelos

6.2. FATHER: Padre and MOTHER: Madre

6.3. SISTERS: Hermanas

7. Furniture & Appliances

7.1. Bed: Cama

7.2. Couch: Sofa

7.3. Table: Mesa

8. Singular and Plural Pronouns

8.1. SINGULAR: I, He, She, It, You

8.2. PLURAL: We, You, They

9. Jobs

9.1. Architect: Arquitecto

9.2. Baker: Panadero

9.3. Carpenter: Carpintero

10. The Numbers

10.1. In our life started to count thing and the numbers became very important, from child's are basic learning that helps to know all around in the world. A long time ago numbers were required to count.

11. Gretting

11.1. Good morning-Buenas tardes Good afternoon-Buenas noches Good evening-Buenas noches (al despedirse) Good night-¡Adios! ¡Chau! Good-bye, Bye, Bye-Bye

12. Verb "to be"

12.1. I (AM)

12.2. He, She, It (IS)

12.3. We You They (Are)

13. Prepositions

13.1. AT

13.2. IN

13.3. ON

14. Demonstrative Pronouns

14.1. SINGULAR: This-That

14.2. PLURAL: These-Those

15. Possessive adjectives

15.1. A possessive adjective, like other adjectives, standing in front of the noun and serves as the determiner.

16. Nationalities

16.1. She is from Colombia

16.2. She speaks Spanish

16.3. She lives in Bogota.

17. Cullture and Mythology

17.1. Culture in El Salvador: Festivity of San Salvador.

17.2. Mythological traditions in El Salvador: The Cipitio