Life Cycle of a Saguaro

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Life Cycle of a Saguaro por Mind Map: Life Cycle of a Saguaro

1. Purpose:

1.1. I want to create a digital story that shows the typical features of a Saguaro's life cycle.

1.2. The point being to show students how to identify the general age of a saguaro cactus.

1.3. I want to teach this because there are many Saguaros in Arizona but students may not understand how to appreciate their long lives.

1.4. Purpose: I want to create a digital story that shows the typical features of a Saguaro's life cycle.

2. My digital story is meant to be informative

2.1. At what age do Saguaros begin to show their usual physical features?

2.2. When do saguaros start to bear flowers?

2.3. When do they grow arms?

3. This will be used as an introduction to a 2nd graders unit on life cycles.

4. Narration

4.1. This lesson will be narrated by voice

4.2. Using Jing, narration will be heard via screen cast.

5. Media

5.1. Pictures: I will use Google images and the Desert Botanical Garden website to collect and share pictures.

5.2. I will use relaxing Chinese instrumentals for background music.

5.3. I will use YouTube to find and display videos concerning saguaros.

5.3.1. Planet Earth has a section concerning the life of a Saguaro on their 'Deserts' episode.

5.3.2. Also, David Attenborough's documentary called the 'Private Life of Plants' will be accessed for additional informative video clips.


6. Use Digital Learning Website
