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1. 1- The Alphabet

1.1. It is critical to differentiate the alphabet in Spanish as well as English, because writing is very different in both languages and know the adecedario in English we will make much easier the understanding of the language.

2. 9- Present Continuous

2.1. Example: I am runnign "ING"

3. 10- Greting

3.1. Good Morning, Good afternoon, good evening, good, night, good- bye bye.

4. 11- Ver “To be”:

4.1. I (Am), He, She, It, (is), We, you, they (are).

5. 12- Prepositions

5.1. At, In, On.

6. 13- Demostrative Pronnouns

6.1. Singular: this, that; plural: These, those.

7. 14- Nationalities

7.1. She is fron El Salvador, She speaks English, lives in Madrid

8. 15- Possessive adjectives

8.1. The grammar of the English language, important forms of communication used by transforming the basis of personal pronouns. And in this case this transformation allows speakers and learners learn in a more practical form expressions to communicate easily in society

9. 16- Culture and Mythology

9.1. ) Culture Costume: The female costume is common to see elements like a scapular, a shawl, a cloth and different colored ornaments, and cotton fabric. and may be in a skirt and blouse, or dress in sandals footwear used. In the male attire is common to see a tailored cotton, also in traditional festivals, modern jeans are used with a cotton shirt in footwear sandals or boots, and a hat. They really are rural in character, and have different variations depending on location. B) Mythology: Cadejo legend, The Cipitío, The Siguanaba, La Carreta Squeaky, The Headless Father.

10. 17- Be or not Be

10.1. I am not, He, She It is not, We, you, ther are not.

11. 2- The Numbers

11.1. : It is important to know and correctly write numbers in English, it depends on the quality of information, with a bad number written information is not reliable.

12. 3- Jobs

12.1. Architect. Engineer. Pilot, Stewardess.

13. 4- Fur nature y Appliances

13.1. Closet, bed, chair, hammock

14. 5- Family members

14.1. Uncles, cousins, Father and Mother

15. 6- Time

15.1. helf past two, three o clock, ten past nine.

16. 7- Clothing

16.1. pants, jacket, blouse, dress.

17. 8- Singular and plural pronouns

17.1. Singular: I,He, She, It, You; plural: They, We