Vertical Alignment Gaps in ELA

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Vertical Alignment Gaps in ELA por Mind Map: Vertical Alignment Gaps in ELA

1. 12th grade/Eng. IV

1.1. how to use quotes

1.2. how to understand & respond to writing prompt

1.3. in-text citation, MLA bibliography

1.4. analysis vs. summary

1.5. recognize & use style in writing

1.6. comma usage

1.7. poetry structure

1.8. claims & evidence for exposition & persuasion

2. 11th grade/Eng. III

2.1. in-text citation, MLA bibliography

2.2. how to use quotes

2.3. how to understand & respond to writing prompt

2.4. analysis vs. summary

2.5. comma usage

2.6. sent. structure/parallelism, clause

2.7. paragraph structure/transition

3. 10th grade/English II

3.1. parts of speech

3.2. understanding prompts & academic language

3.3. formal voice in writing

3.4. summary (what it is and isn't)

3.5. how to use quotes/plagiarism

3.6. paragraph structure/transition

3.7. sentence structure - esp. using conjunctions

3.8. thesis statement/outlining

4. 9th grade/English I

4.1. parts of speech

4.2. thesis statement/outlining

4.3. summary (what it is and isn't)

4.4. knowing how to paraphrase

4.5. notetaking

4.6. sentence structure

4.6.1. commas

5. 8th grade/English I

5.1. parts of speech

5.2. complete sentences

5.3. essay writing (process)

5.4. punctuation

5.5. paragraph structure

5.6. paraphrasing

5.7. academic vs. social language

5.8. reference materials skills

5.9. thesis

5.10. copy/paste & academic integrity

6. 7th grade ELA

6.1. parts of speech

6.2. complete sentences

6.3. punctuation

6.4. when to paragraph

6.5. paraphrasing

7. 6th grade ELA

7.1. complete sentences

7.2. parts of speech

7.3. paragraphs - how to write

7.4. end punctuation