anime y manga

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anime y manga por Mind Map: anime y manga

1. echi

1.1. High School DxD

1.2. KissxSis

1.3. Hihgschool of the Dead

1.4. To Love Ru

1.5. Rosario+Vampire

2. shonen

2.1. dragon ball

2.2. naruto

2.3. one piece

2.4. bleach

2.5. fairy tail

3. gore

3.1. Elfen Lied

3.2. Death Note

3.3. another

3.4. hellsing

3.5. mirai niky

4. Animes De Deporte

4.1. Kuroko no Basket

4.2. Slam Dunk

4.3. Hajime no Ippo