DAISO Sales Assistant

Step-by-step instructions on how to be a DAISO sales assistant.

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DAISO Sales Assistant por Mind Map: DAISO Sales Assistant

1. Open Cashier

1.1. Problem 1

1.2. Problem 2

1.3. Problem 3

2. Prepare To Open Cashier

2.1. Taking out the cash drawer bags from the safe

2.1.1. 1) Use the safe key to open the safe door

2.1.2. 2) Take out the cashier bags

2.1.3. 3) Close the safe door and lock the safe door

2.1.4. 4) Take the 'Safe Checking' form and fill in - Your name - Checker's name - Today's date & time - Reason for opening the safe

2.1.5. 5) Hang back the 'Safe Checking' form

2.2. Taking out the cashier drawer tray from the cashier bag

2.2.1. 1) Take the cashier bag form for the respective cashier bag and fill in: - Today's date - Your name - Reason for cutting the cable tie

2.2.2. 2) Use a scissors and cut off the tag carefully

2.2.3. 3) Stick the tag onto the cashier bag form using tape

2.2.4. 4) Hang back the cashier bag form

2.2.5. 5) Unzip the cashier bag and take out the cashier drawer tray from the cashier bag

2.3. Preparing the float money

2.3.1. 1) Do one cashier drawer tray at a time

2.3.2. 2) Turn on the money counter machine by flicking the switch located behind

2.3.3. 3) Take the float money bag for the respective cashier drawer tray

2.3.4. 4) Your target is to get $1500 worth of float money for each cashier drawer tray

2.3.5. 5) The preferred number of $2 notes for each cashier drawer tray is 500

2.3.6. 6) Start by removing all $2 notes from the tray and round the number of $2 to the nearest 5 or 10

2.3.7. 7) Put back any excess $2 notes

2.3.8. 8) If the total amount of money cannot reach $1500, use $10 notes to cover

2.3.9. 9) Put back any excess $10 notes

2.3.10. 10) If the total amount of money cannot reach $1500, use $50 notes

2.3.11. 11) Once you are done, count the number of notes for each denomination and write them down on the 'Float Preparation' form

2.3.12. 12) Tally up the amount and make sure that the total amount is $1500

2.3.13. 13) Sign your name under 'Prepared By'

2.3.14. 14) Finally, tie up the money and the 'Float Preparation' form paper using a rubber band and put the money and the 'Float Preparation' form into the float money bag

2.4. Counting sales money

2.4.1. 1) Once you are done with the float money, now it's time to count the sales money for each cash register

2.4.2. 2) On each cashier drawer tray, you should have the 'Cashier Registration' form

2.4.3. 3) Start by putting all the notes in the cashier drawer tray in 'upright' position

2.4.4. 4) Count each denomination and record down the number of pieces on the 'Cashier Registration' form

2.4.5. 5) Then total up the amount of money in the cashier drawer tray using a calculator

2.4.6. 6) Check the Z-Reading for 'Cash-In-Drawer' on the Z-Reading receipt and record it down

2.4.7. 7) If the total amount of cash collected and the 'Cash-In-Drawer' amount on the Z-Reading matches, put '0.00' as balance

2.4.8. 8) If there is balance, record down the amount as balance and add the symbol '+' or '-' depending on the type of balance

2.4.9. 9) Do the same for NETS; record down the 'NETS-In-Drawer' and the NETS amount in the NETS Z-Reading receipt

2.4.10. 10) Check for any balance for NETS

2.4.11. 11) Always fill up 'NETS Flashpay' as '0.00'

2.4.12. 12) Once you are done, total up the balance for cash and NETS and write the total amount as 'Final Balance'

2.4.13. 13) The preferred amount under 'Final Balance' is '0.00'

2.4.14. 14) Finally, sign your name under 'Closing Checker'

2.5. Job as a checker

2.5.1. Float money bag 1) As checker, you are to check the other cashier drawer trays and the float money bags 2) First, Take out the money and the 'Float Preparation' form from the float money bag you are checking 3) Using the money counter machine and a calculator, count the total amount of notes of each denomination and the total amount of money in the float money bag 4) Instead of writing the number of notes and the total amount, you are only allowed to tick the side of the numbers 5) Ticking the numbers shows that you have checked and verified that the numbers are correct 6) Remember to sign as 'Checker' and tick the 'Cashier Number' and the date 7) Once you are done, put the money and the 'Float Preparation' form back into the bag and zip it up

2.5.2. Sales money 1) As checker, you are to check whether the total amount of sales money in the cashier drawer tray matches the numbers stated in the 'Cashier Registration' form 2) First, count the number of notes of each denomination using the money counter machine 3) Using a calculator, total up the number of money collected 4) Check the numbers to ensure that they tally with the numbers from the Z-Reading receipts for cash and NETS 5) If there are any balance, ensure that the total balance amount is correct 6) Instead of writing the number of notes and the total amount of money, you are only allowed to tick the side of the numbers 7) Ticking the numbers shows that you have checked and verified that the numbers are correct 8) Remember to sign as 'Checker'

2.6. Job as the final checker (Only when there is balance)

2.6.1. 1) Like the first checker, you are to check only if there is any balance in the cashier drawer tray

2.6.2. 2) If there is balance in any cashier drawer tray, either a third person or the person who signed as 'Closing Checker' will be the final checker

2.6.3. 3) As final checker, you are to check both the float money bag as well as the sales money in the cashier drawer tray

2.6.4. 4) Once you are done checking the float money, sign next to the checker's name on the 'Float Preparation' form

2.6.5. 5) For the 'Cashier Registration' form, do the same and sign as 'Final Checker' once you are done checking

2.7. Daily sales report & reporting sales (Before 9am)

2.7.1. Daily sales report 1) Once you are done with the checking the float money and the sales money, it is time to write the daily sales report and report sales to Tencho 2) Before reporting sales to Tencho, you are required to obtain the following information: Sold Pieces 1) Using a calculator, total up the number of goods sold 2) The information can be found by totaling up the number of 'Goods' from all the Z-Reading receipts Customers 1) Next, use a calculator and total up the number of customers 2) This information can be found by totaling up the number of cash and NETS customers from all the Z-Reading receipts Spending 1) Next, use a calculator to calculate the spending 2) This information can be found by this formula: sold pieces ÷ customers Average 1) For this, you are required to use the Excel file in the desktop 2) Open the Excel file with the name '' 3) Press the second tab 4) Under yesterday's date, key in the total number of goods sold and the total amount of sales money (goods x 2) 5) You should see the average being generated

2.7.2. Reporting sales 1) After you have obtained the necessary information, it is to time to report to Tencho 2) If you can't contact Tencho, you are to call the Eileen. If Eileen is not contactable, call Yoshi 3) Template: Samadesu Tencho / Eileen / Yoshi, This is (your name) calling from SSH, reporting sales. Yesterday's Sold Pieces: XXX Customer: XXX Spending: XXX Average: XXX Thank you, Samadesuta!

2.8. Update sales report Excel file

2.8.1. 1) After reporting sales, you should combining all sales money into one cashier drawer tray

2.8.2. 2) While doing that, update the sales report Excel file (Expand for more information) Setting print area for sales report 1) Open sales report Excel file located inside the 'Excel' folder on the desktop 2) Highlight the table with yesterday's date 3) Click the 'Page Layout' tab above 4) Click the 'Print Area' button and you should see a drop-down list 5) In the drop-down list, select 'Set Print Area' Updating sales report 1) Under each cashier number, enter the total number of pieces for each denomination as stated on the 'Cashier Registration' form 2) Key in the total amount of sales money and NETS you are suppose to get, not the amount that was received 3) Key in the GST & N.NS (Expand for more information) 4) Key in the number of customers who paid using cash and NETS 5) Key in the NETS Z-Reading amount 6) Repeat for all other cashiers 7) Check to ensure that all numbers are keyed in correctly 8) Finally, print out two copies of the sales report

2.9. Preparing sales money for depositing

2.9.1. Checking sales money 1) While doing the Excel sales report, you need to combine all sales money together and record them down under the sales form 2) First, combine all sales money into one cashier drawer tray and count each denomination and calculate the total amount of money 3) Record the total number of pieces for each denomination and the total amount of money on the sales form 4) Finally, verify the numbers on the sales form with the Excel sales report

2.9.2. Prepare for depositing 1) Once all the numbers are verified, it is time to put the sales money into the DBS cash deposit bag 2) Combine all the sales money notes and tie them together using a rubber band 3) Put all coins into a small DAISO plastic bag (which can be found near the money counter machine) and seal it 4) Tie the bag of coins together with the notes 5) Prepare the DBS bank deposit slip (Expand for more information) It is the dark blue DBS bank deposit slip You are required to write down the following information on the DBS bank deposit slip: Reference Branch Account Number Account Name Date & DBS Cash Bag Number Cash Amount You are also required to write the total number of pieces for each denomination as well as the total amount at the back of the DBS bank deposit slip 6) Refer to the 'Bank Slips' ring folder and find the correct DBS cash deposit bag 7) Once you have found the correct DBS cash deposit bag, you are to write down the required information (Expand for more information) You are required to write the following information on the DBS cash deposit bag: Account Name Account Number Date Contact Person Telephone Number Fax Number Cash Amount 8) Verify that the information on both the DBS bank deposit slip and the DBS cash deposit bag is correct 9) Put the money and the DBS bank deposit slip into the DBS cash deposit bag 10) Verify that both the money and the DBS bank deposit slip is inside the DBS cash deposit bag 11) On the DBS cash deposit bag, flip over the blue strip (Do not tear this away) and you will see a transparent plastic strip 12) Tear away the transparent plastic strip to reveal a sticky area 13) Fold back the blue strip to seal the DBS cash deposit bag 14) Put the DBS cash deposit bag into the safe

2.10. Preparing to open cashier registers

2.10.1. 1) Once you are done, it is time to open the cash registers

2.10.2. 2) Take out the money from the float money bags and put them into their respective cashier drawer trays

2.10.3. 3) Check to make sure that all the money is inside the cashier drawer trays and not still inside their float money bags

2.10.4. 4) Sign your name under 'Opened by' on the 'Float Preparation' form

2.10.5. 5) Clip the 'Float Preparation' form onto the cashier drawer tray

3. Going To The Bank (Two People)

3.1. Take out sales money

3.1.1. 1) Take out the DBS cash deposit bag from the safe

3.1.2. 2) Check for any other DBS cash deposit bags that needs to be deposited

3.2. Take out exchange money (Only when needed)

3.2.1. 1) Take out the exchange bag from the safe

3.2.2. 2) Take out the money and the overall float money change form

3.2.3. 2) Recount the money inside the exchange bag to verify the amount with the overall float money change form

3.2.4. 3) Once you are done, put the money and the overall float money change form back into the exchange bag and zip it up

3.3. Take out EZ-Link cards

3.3.1. 1) Inside the safe, there will a plastic protector with the EZ-Link cards

3.3.2. 2) Take out the EZ-Link cards

3.4. Put sales money and exchange money into the black bag

3.4.1. Ensure that they are inside the bag

3.5. Leaving for the bank

3.5.1. Check to make sure that you have everything before leaving the bank

3.6. On the way to the bank

3.6.1. 1) After tapping the EZ-Link card at the gantry, take note of the amount left inside the card

3.6.2. 2) If the amount is less than $10, inform the shop leader

3.6.3. 3) After reaching the destination, take out and note down the amount left in the card

3.7. At the bank

4. Exchanging Money (Only when needed)

4.1. 1) It is necessary to go to the bank to change notes when there isn't enough $2 notes

4.2. 2) The preferred number of $2 notes is 500

4.3. 3) Prepare the bank exchange money slip (Expand for more information)

4.3.1. It is the light green slip

4.3.2. You are required to fill in the necessary information:

4.3.3. 1) Name DAISO

4.3.4. 2) Date Today's date

4.3.5. 3) Total number of notes needed and the total amount [ $2 ] [ 500 ] Total [ 1000 ]

4.4. 4) Prepare the float money change form (Expand for more information)

4.4.1. 1) Take out the notes that you want to change to other denomination

4.4.2. 2) Fill up the float money change form (Expand for more information) You are required to fill in the necessary information: Cashier number 1 / 2/ 3 Date Today's date Time Time right now Number of notes to exchange and the amount [ $50 ][ 2 ][ $100 ] Total [ $100 ] Number of notes after exchange and the amount [ $2 ][ 50 ][ $100 ] Total [ $100 ]

4.4.3. 3) Sign your name and ask the checker to verify the float money change forms

4.4.4. 4) Put the float money change forms into their respective float money bag

4.5. 5) After the float money change forms are done for each cashier, you should complete the overall float money change form (Expand for more information)

4.5.1. 1) Combine all the notes you are going to exchange together and recount them using the money counter machine

4.5.2. 2) Fill up the overall float money change form with the necessary information (Expand for more information) You are required to fill in the necessary information: Total number of notes to change and the amount [ $50 ] [ 10 ] [ 500.00 ] Total [ 500.00 ] Total number of notes after exchange and the amount [ $2 ] [ 250 ] [ 500.00 ] Total [ 500.00 ]

4.5.3. 3) Sign your name and ask the checker to verify the overall float money change form

4.6. 6) Put the exchange money and the overall float money form into the exchange bag (light blue bag)

4.7. 7) Put the exchange money into the safe; next to the DBS cash deposit bag