Contexts of Adolescence

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Contexts of Adolescence por Mind Map: Contexts of Adolescence

1. Families

1.1. Why do Adolescents and Parents Argue?

1.1.1. Different Perspectives

1.2. Changes in Family Relationships

1.2.1. family systems theory

1.3. Mental Health and Transformations

1.4. Four Styles of Parenting

1.4.1. Authoritative Household

1.5. Sibling Relationships

1.5.1. a rivalry and a friendship

1.5.2. Behavioral Genetics

1.6. Divorce

1.6.1. Video: Impact of Divorce on Children

1.6.2. A Changing Family

1.6.3. Family Structure

2. Work and Leisure

2.1. Use of Free Time

2.2. Adolescent Jobs

2.2.1. Builds Character

2.2.2. Prepare for Adulthood

2.2.3. Money Management

2.2.4. Can impact schooling as students become less interested

2.3. Extracurricular Activites

2.3.1. Positive Youth Development

2.4. Social Media

2.4.1. Enhanced Learning Opportunities

2.4.2. Cyber-bullying

2.4.3. Sexting

3. Cliques and Crowds

3.1. Origins

3.1.1. BabyBoom

3.1.2. Outside School Activities

3.1.3. Age Grading

3.2. Adolescent Peer Group

3.2.1. More interaction with students than their own families

3.2.2. More mingling with the opposite sex

3.2.3. Peer influence: Interest in joining a group or of what they group is doing

3.3. Popularity

3.3.1. Unpopular Students

3.3.2. Consequences of rejection

3.3.3. Psychological Development

3.4. Youth Culture

3.4.1. Alienation From Adults

3.4.2. Rise in adolescent problems

3.5. Bullying

3.5.1. Video: Speech from "Happy"

3.5.2. Video: TedTalks

3.5.3. Cyber-bullying

4. Schools

4.1. No Child Left Behind

4.1.1. Annual Tests Focus on passing tests and not what is going on in the classroom

4.2. What should schools teach?

4.2.1. Reforms Argument that schools should go back to the teaching and mastering of traditional subjects Charter Schools Inner Cities Video: Making Education and Teachers Better

4.3. Organization

4.3.1. Small vs. Large classes and school Schools within Schools Smaller classes a plus

4.4. Transitioning of Schools

4.4.1. Elementary to Middle

4.5. Tracking

4.5.1. Pros/Cons

4.5.2. Gifted students vs. Students with learning disabilities

4.6. Classroom Climate

4.6.1. Expectation and Performance

4.6.2. Violence

4.7. Characteristics of Good Shools