Moodle Lesson Variables

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Moodle Lesson Variables por Mind Map: Moodle Lesson Variables

1. Question Types

1.1. Short Answer

1.1.1. Label

1.2. True / False

1.2.1. Discernment

1.3. Essay

1.3.1. Expression

1.4. Multiple Choice

1.4.1. Choose

1.5. Matching

1.5.1. Match

2. Topic Frame

2.1. 5 paragraph style

2.1.1. Introduction

2.1.2. Subtopic 1

2.1.3. Sub topic 2

2.1.4. Sub topic 3

2.1.5. Conclusion

2.2. singel content w / single question

3. Sub Topics

3.1. region

3.1.1. Pacific

3.1.2. North

3.1.3. Priarie

3.1.4. Central

3.1.5. Atlantic

3.2. environment

3.2.1. geography prairie lakes rivers coastal forest mountains

3.2.2. climate

3.2.3. animals

3.3. land use

3.3.1. hunting

3.3.2. fising fur

3.3.3. mining

3.3.4. energy

3.3.5. farming

3.3.6. tourism

3.4. culture

3.4.1. language

3.4.2. food

3.4.3. sports

3.4.4. music

3.4.5. heritage

4. Media Type

4.1. text

4.2. image

4.3. video

4.4. sound

5. Feedback

5.1. During lesson

5.1.1. control flow of lesson

5.2. After lesson

5.2.1. score in gradebook

5.2.2. access to dependent lessons

5.3. Successful Task

5.3.1. Good job!

5.3.2. Smart, aren't you?

5.3.3. Wow! Good work!

5.3.4. Super duper!

5.3.5. Excellent!

6. Task Type

6.1. Database entry

6.2. Blog entry

6.3. Power Point

6.4. Survey

6.5. Poster

6.6. Review Quiz

6.7. Essay

7. Link Type

7.1. random

7.2. next page

7.3. jump to start/end

7.4. unseen

7.5. next topic

8. Lesson Settings

8.1. Review on or off

8.2. Limited attempts

8.3. Random questions

8.4. Task results scored

8.5. Task results as prerequisite