My Family Nayelli Sorto

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My Family Nayelli Sorto por Mind Map: My Family Nayelli Sorto

1. Childrens

1.1. My mom

1.2. Jessica Reyes

1.3. My Aunt

1.4. Glenda Reyes

1.5. My uncle

1.6. Esau Reyes.

2. My Mom

2.1. My Parents

2.2. Noé Sorto

2.3. Jessica Reyes

2.4. My Siblings

2.5. Jeimy Sorto

2.6. Jessica Sorto

2.7. The Firstborn

2.8. Me

3. Ancestors

3.1. My Grandparents

3.2. Jose Irene Reyes

3.3. Maria Eugenia Alvarado

4. My Aunt Glenda

4.1. Her Husband

4.2. Carlos Medrano

4.3. My Cousins

4.4. Carlos Medrano

4.5. Glenda Medrano

4.6. Ona Medrano

4.7. Bryan Medrano