Grandparents on my mom and dan ("My Family")

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Grandparents on my mom and dan ("My Family") por Mind Map: Grandparents on my mom and dan ("My Family")

1. Grandfather and grandmother.

1.1. Ecolastico Ortiz .

1.2. Maria Veatriz Hernandez

2. Father

2.1. Carlos Mauro Hernandez Ortiz

3. Sister

3.1. Yaneth Nohemy Hernandez Rosa

3.2. Lil Milagro Hernandez Rosa

4. Grandfather and grandmother.

4.1. Juana Mata Rosa

5. Mother

5.1. Dora Ester Rosa de Hernandez.

6. Brother

6.1. Carlos Ernesto Velasquez Rosa

6.2. Carlos Mauricio Hernandez Rosa

6.3. Marlon Ulises Hernandez Rosa