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Identity por Mind Map: Identity

1. Field note

1.1. How does brickmaking labor differ in Bali vs. the U.S.?

1.1.1. In Bali, women and boys make bricks. In the U.S. men make them.

1.2. What is gender?

1.2.1. A culture's assumptions about the differences between men and women: their characters, the roles they play in society, and what they represent

1.3. Why do factory managers in developing countries prefer to hire young female workers?

1.3.1. They are more easily exploited, less likely to strike or form membership organizations, are comparatively free from family responsibilities, and they can do repetitive and delicate tasks.

1.4. What is an EPZ?

1.4.1. Export Production Zones

2. How Does Geography Reflect and Shape Power Relationships Among Groups?

2.1. What are power relationships?

2.1.1. Assumptions and structures about who is in control and who has power over others.

2.2. What is informal economic activity?

2.2.1. The large role of uncounted economy

2.3. What is meant by the term vulnerability in this context?

2.3.1. which places are more vulnerable to disease, death, injury, or famine

2.4. What was apartheid?

2.4.1. The systematic opression if the majority black population by the minority white population

2.5. Dowry deaths?

2.5.1. The brutal punishment or murder on a woman for her father to fulfill a marriage agreement.

2.6. Barriozation?

2.6.1. The increase in Hispanic population in a given neighborhood

3. What Is Identity, And How Are Identities Constructed?

3.1. How does geographer Gillian Rose define identity?

3.1.1. How we make sense of ourselves

3.2. What does it mean to identify against?

3.2.1. Defining others and others defining us

3.3. What is race?

3.3.1. The product of ways of viewing minor genetic differences that developed as modern humans spread around the world.

3.4. What is racism?

3.4.1. Sense of superiority attached to a race

3.5. What does it mean to be Hispanic?

3.5.1. Coming from a country where Spanish is the predominant language

3.6. What is residential segregation?

3.6.1. Degree to which two or more groups live separately from one another, in different parts of the urban environment.

3.7. Which U.S. city is most diverse?

3.7.1. New York City

3.8. What is succession?

3.8.1. New immigrants to a city often move to low-income areas that are being gradually abandoned by older immigrant groups

4. How Do Places Affect Identity, And How Can We See Identities In Places?

4.1. What is sense of place?

4.1.1. Infusing a place with meaning and feeling

4.2. What is ethnicity?

4.2.1. people who are closely related and have similar cultures

4.3. What is your ethnicity?

4.3.1. I am American

4.4. How is ethnic identity impacted by scale and place?

4.4.1. In smaller, more isolated places it is likely that there will be more ethnic groups.

4.5. What does it mean for a space to be gendered?

4.5.1. places seen as being appropriate for women or for men

4.6. When did the U.S. Census begin collecting data on same-sex households?

4.6.1. 2000