How did you attract/address your audience?

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How did you attract/address your audience? por Mind Map: How did you attract/address your audience?

1. Language

1.1. I used formal language to address my audience, which is not likely to be in most "R&B" or "Hip Hop" magazines this is due to them using slang. But i felt that by using informal language would make it seem evident that it is only aimed for teenagers as they use slang whereas slightly elder people would speak formally. I used formal language to address my audience, which is not likely to be in most "R&B" or "Hip Hop" magazines this is due to them using slang. But i felt that by using informal language would make it seem evident that it is only aimed for teenagers as they use slang whereas slightly elder people would speak formally.

2. Images

2.1. I have used images that I feel would engage the audience and this had been done by the outfits of what the models had worn. Keeping it fashionable and how most artists within this genre would dress as well as keeping it quite casual that teenagers would wear. Also the poses and shots of the model also has a huge impact on the audience such as having a mid shot, shows details of the facial expression. And magazines such as "VIBE" use a similar shot as well as the pose such as the front cover. Having the model look to a side creates a more dramatic and mysterious feel which interests the audience. Also the second model in the contents page has a mid shot which clearly shows the makeup which could interest females.

3. Layout

3.1. Having a well organised and structured layout, could also interest the audience greatly as it creates a professional look and also it would be suitable for the audience aimed at. Not having over crowded information in big blocks also makes the audience want to actually read the text and not skip it. Also with images, it should not be too much as it is not a kids magazine or a "Pop" magazine but have a few. Especially keeping one on the cover and contents whereas the double page spread could have a few.

4. Font

4.1. I did not use a wide range of fonts as by looking at other magazines within this genre had kept the font style quite similar and only a few. This is because a bold text had been used therefore other styles are not needed as it makes it too "girly" and slightly a "Pop" looking magazine. However the numbers or information that need to be vivid and very eye catching for the audience would be in a different font.

5. Content

5.1. I had received information from the questionnaires to then decide what kind of information can be put within the magazine. Adding information on the cover as well as further information on the contents page to show which page this can be found on, increases attention and excitement. Also having information followed with a sentence below on the contents page, helps the audience to know what it may be about for example just by putting "interview", this would not grab the audience's attention but by putting a word like "exclusive" could make a huge difference.