Students show up, and there is no teacher in the classroom. What do you do?

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Students show up, and there is no teacher in the classroom. What do you do? por Mind Map: Students show up, and there is no teacher in the classroom. What do you do?

1. Sit down and do my morning work.

1.1. I'm done know so I might go sit with my friends

1.2. Maybe I should go find the teacher

1.3. I think I will get out my book and read

2. Party!! There is no teacher, what can we throw around the room!

2.1. Lets go see what the teacher has in desk drawers

2.2. Lets go take so and so's morning work and make them come get it

2.3. Let's draw some funny pictures

2.4. Maybe I should sit down and do my morning work.

3. I better go see if I can find a teacher.

4. I'm just gonna sit here and enjoy my friends.

4.1. Let's go to the bathroom or go get a drink.

4.1.1. Lets go back to the classroom

4.1.2. Lets see how long until someone comes to find us

4.1.3. Lets go hide

4.1.4. Maybe we should go find the teacher

4.1.5. Maybe we should get our morning work done.

4.2. Lets play bloody knuckles or do a hand jive

4.2.1. I'm getting bored what else can we do

4.2.2. Let's play Tag

4.3. Maybe we should go find a teacher

4.4. Lets go outside