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Carhuaz por Mind Map: Carhuaz

1. Altitude

1.1. 2632 m.a.s.l

2. Stay close to nature to enjoy its beauty.

3. Warm clothes for the night.

4. Souvenirs prices rise during this period, due to the holidays celebrated in this area.

5. Distance

5.1. 434 km away from Lima

5.2. 35 km north of the city of Huaraz

6. All of September to celebrate the "Mama Meche''

7. Festival of Cultural Identity, Tourism and Productive " Virgen de las Mercedes "

8. Recommendations

8.1. Casual clothes for the morning.

9. Geographical features

9.1. Climate

9.1.1. Warm and dry

9.2. Districts

9.2.1. 11 districts

9.3. Region

9.3.1. Ancash

10. Festivities and traditional events

10.1. September 14 Exaltation of the Cross.

11. Typical Food

11.1. Llunca Cashqui

11.2. Aka Cashqui

12. Hotels

12.1. El Abuelo

12.2. Montaña Jazz

13. Tourist Attractions

13.1. Palcacocha Lake

13.2. Chinchey

13.3. Yungay