Project Control, Project Closing, Timeline template

Comienza Ya. Es Gratis
ó regístrate con tu dirección de correo electrónico

1. Be or not be

1.1. I am a nurse

1.2. Are playing basketball

1.3. She is not a nurse

1.4. We ere singing in the stadium

1.5. He’s a very nice young

2. Country Nationality Language

2.1. Iran Iranian Persian

2.2. Paraguay Paraguayan Spanish

2.3. Ethiopia Ethiopian Amharic

3. Adjetivos Posesivos

3.1. I

3.1.1. MY MINE IN

3.2. YOUR

3.2.1. YOURS YOU

3.3. HIS

3.3.1. HIS HE

3.4. HERS

3.4.1. HER SHE

3.5. ITS

3.5.1. IST IT

3.6. OUR

3.6.1. OUR WE



4. alphabet

4.1. A

4.2. B

4.3. C

4.4. D

4.5. E

5. familly

5.1. intense

5.2. external

5.3. nuclear

6. jobs

6.1. cook

6.2. doctor

6.3. driver

6.4. secretary

6.5. student

7. time

7.1. four an thirty

7.1.1. Establish Project Objective

7.1.2. Establish Project Scope

7.1.3. Map Requirements

7.1.4. Map Solution

7.1.5. Map Training Requirement

7.1.6. Review Project Scope

7.2. hat pas six

7.2.1. Recruit Project Sponsor

7.2.2. Recruit Project Manager

7.2.3. Review Related Projects and Lessons Learned

7.2.4. Prepare Project Initiation Plan

7.2.5. Brief the Initial Project Team

7.2.6. Review Project Kick-off Plans and Presentation Map

7.2.7. Hold Project Kick-off Meeting

7.3. ten fifteen

7.3.1. Determine Project Approach, Stages and Steps

7.3.2. Estimate Project Duration

7.3.3. Establish Resource Requirements

7.3.4. Prepare Project Schedule and Budget

7.3.5. Prepare Work breakdown structure

7.3.6. Document Success Criteria

7.3.7. Review Project Schedule

7.4. fifteen o`clock

7.4.1. Establish Project Administration Procedures

7.4.2. Establish Quality Control Procedures

7.4.3. Establish Progress Control Procedures

7.4.4. Establish Change Control Procedures

7.4.5. Establish Issue Resolution Procedure

7.4.6. Review Project Control Procedures

8. There is/There are

8.1. There is a T.V.

8.2. there are watches

9. numbers

9.1. one

9.2. two

9.3. theer

9.4. four

9.5. five

10. Preposiciones In, On y At

10.1. Juan this in the garden playing ball park

10.2. My sister is on the right of my grandmother cas

10.3. At home my aunt ay many trees

11. Verbs

11.1. Abide

11.2. = Begin

11.3. Come

11.4. Do

11.5. Eat

12. Be or not be

12.1. I am a nurse

12.2. You are singing in the church

12.3. We ere singing in the stadium

12.4. He’s a very nice young

12.5. She is a very smart person