Student Assessments by: Giulio C.Y. Wan

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Student Assessments by: Giulio C.Y. Wan por Mind Map: Student Assessments  by: Giulio C.Y. Wan

1. Formative Assessment

1.1. Definition&Purpose: The goal of formative assessment is to monitor student learning to provide ongoing feedback that can be used by instructors to improve their teaching and by students to improve their learning.

1.2. Examples: -Venn Diagrams -T Charts -Exit slips (eg. 3 things you have learned today)

1.3. Advantages: -Ungraded=less anxiety for students -Good for practice -Allow teachers to check for understanding and help students that are having trouble -Less reteaching is required

1.4. Disadvantages: -Take up valuable class time -Lack of training to use them successfully -Lack weight, therefore students take them less seriously

2. Summative Assessment

2.1. Definition & Purpose: The goal of summative assessment is to evaluate student learning at the end of an instructional unit by comparing it against some standard or benchmark.

2.2. Examples: Final Exam & Midterm Exam

2.3. Advantages: -Motivate students to pay attention in class -Provide good feedback to teachers -Grades and scores during the "school years" are often an indicator of success in university and beyond

2.4. Disadvantages: -High stress and pressure for students can be counter-productive -Pressure on teachers to improve scores result in "teaching to the test" and limiting creativity

3. Performance Based Assessment

3.1. Definition & Purpose: An assessment based on performance of tasks that are meaningful and engaging to students. These can be any assessment strategy designed to estimate a child's knowledge, understanding, ability, skill and/or attitudes in a consistent fashion across individuals emphasizing methods other than standardized achievement tests, particularly those using multiple choice formats. Performance-based assessments typically include exhibitions, investigations, demonstrations, written or oral responses, journals, and portfolios.

3.2. Examples: Group projects enabling a number of students to work together on a complex problem that requires planning, research, internal discussion, and group presentation.

3.3. Advantages: -Provide teachers with more detailed information regarding student mastery provides teachers with the opportunity to engage students more in their own learning and interests through reflection and review of their own thinking processes -Helps teachers to become more knowledgeable about how to evaluate and teach to challenging standards -Result in a greater focus on both higher-level skills and application of knowledge

3.4. Disadvantages: - Without a grading rubric it is sometimes hard to be fair and accurately grade -High cost of implementation and questionable validity and reliability -Not able to test as much material as multiple-choice tests in the same amount of time

4. High Stakes Assessment

4.1. Examples:

4.1.1. -ACT -Praxis -SAT -TOEIC -IELTS

4.2. Definition & Purpose: An assessment that is given with the knowledge that important decisions or consequences are riding on the result. This means they are related to funding, placement, graduation and employment.

4.2.1. Advantages: -Can be useful in creating a learning plan based upon children's needs -Publicly available -Parents can see how their kids are performing -Improve test taking abilities, or ability to succeed in high-anxiety situations

4.2.2. Disadvantages: -Cause many subjects to be excluded from the curriculum -Pressure on teachers to improve scores result in "teaching to the test" and limiting creativity -Increasing pressure on parents and students can be counter-productive

5. Diagnostic Assessment

5.1. Definition & Purpose: provide instructors with information about student's prior knowledge and misconceptions before beginning a learning activity

5.1.1. Advantages: If a teacher teaches three English classs all at the same level. The teacher can gage how the whole class is recieving the knowledge

5.1.2. Disadvantage might not always reveal a students true understanding of the subject matter

5.2. Examples: Diagnostic test: I use a test given at the start of the year to see what students know about grammar

6. Peer Assessment

6.1. Definition& Purpose: A process whereby students assignments or tests are graded by their peers based on a teacher's benchmarks. The practice is employed to save teachers time and improve students' understanding of course materials as well as improve their meta-cognitive skills.

6.1.1. Disadvantages: -Additional briefing time can increase a lecturer’s workload -Peer pressure to apply elevated grades or friendships may influence the assessment (This is often a killer in Korea) -Students may be reluctant to judge their peers and award everyone the same mark -Students may "gang up" on a disliked student

6.1.2. Advantages: -Agreed upon grading criteria results in less confusion about assignment outcomes and expectations -Encourages student involvement and responsibility -Provides more relevant feedback to students as it is generated by their peers

6.1.3. Examples include: -Teach Now's Peer Assessment activities -Peer Review -Assessment toolkits

7. Authentic Asessment

7.1. Definition & Purpose : The measurement of "intellectual accomplishments that are worthwhile, significant, and meaningful," as compared to multiple choice standardized tests. Authentic assessment can be devised by the teacher, or in collaboration with the student by engaging student voice. They usually model real world situations so they are more relevant to students and they can establish worth and meaning.

7.2. Examples: -Writing sample -Oral Interview -Project/Exhibition -Experiment/Demonstration

7.3. Advantages: -Improves teaching and learning -Students are active participants completing a relevant task -Focus on the learning process, sound instructional practices and high-level thinking skills and proficiencies needed for success in the real world

7.4. Disadvantages: -Difficult to ensure validity and reliability given the subjective nature of human scoring rubrics -Difficult to assess a broad range of skills -Requires in class conferencing, so students can get feedback on the work they are doing and if they are on the right track (loss of valuable class time) -Takes much more time than a traditional assessment (test)

8. Portfolio

8.1. Definition & Purpose: Portfolio assessment is the systematic, longitudinal collection of student work created in response to specific, known instructional objectives and evaluated in relation to the same criteria.

8.2. Examples: -Process oriented portfolios -Project oriented portfolios -End of the course portfolio for my students at ITI and TLI

8.3. Advantage: -Can show the progression of student's work throughout a long time period -Require students to continuously reflect and perform self-evaluations of their work identifying their own strengths and weaknesses -Individualized and offer students an opportunity to show mastery apart from traditional methods -Promote communication between teachers and students -Students are held accountable for mastering content standards

8.4. Disadvantage: Hard to keep all the work saved and neatly organzied

9. Self Assessment

9.1. Disadvantages: -Increases lecturer workload -Risk of being unreliable since students may use this as an opportunity to inflate their grades -Students might not feel equipped to assess themselves

9.1.1. Advantages: -Encourages student involvement and responsibility -Students must reflect on their role and contribution within a group --Allows students to see and reflect on their peers’ assessment of their contribution Focuses on the development of student’s judgment skills

9.2. Definition & Purpose: An assessment or evaluation done regarding your own actions, attitudes, and performance at a job or learning task considered in relation to an objective standard.

9.2.1. Examples include: Resume from my students at ITI Reflection (diagnostic assessment) Journals