Drummond Golf

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Drummond Golf por Mind Map: Drummond Golf

1. IA

1.1. The side IA to configure products. PROCESS: conduct card sorting with real clients to identify ways in which the primary navigation and product filters can be configured

1.1.1. By gender?

1.1.2. By equipment?

1.2. Primary Navigation

1.2.1. Use terms that people are searching for Headwear = hats? Outwear = casual, leisure? Bottoms = pants?

1.2.2. Redesign mega menu

1.2.3. Remove fixed header on scroll down. Include a dynamic button to scroll back to top.

2. 3/10 PDP Page

2.1. Very confusing layout.

2.1.1. 1. LAYOUT: Implement best practice layout design inline with competitors. See prototype for an example of a touch optimised conventional layout.

2.1.2. 2. FIELDS Pre-fill input fields where possible. e.g. if a user was browsing left handed drivers, prefill Hand input to left

2.1.3. 3. INPUTS Clearly mark whether the product is in stock/

2.1.4. 4. COPY Revise wording of the product descriptions. Very heavy lack of visual hierarchy.

2.1.5. 5. Elevate short product descriptions

2.1.6. 6. Social proof: Is there space to start collecting ratings and reviews

2.1.7. 7. On Add to cart Make this appear in asynchronously from the header.

2.2. Mobile Journey

2.2.1. Touch optimised inputs

3. Brand & KVP

3.1. Identify the key selling points of the site. Is free shipping over $100 the only one. Is returns & exchange important (elevate this?)

3.2. Click & Pickup

4. 1/10 Cart

4.1. Free shipping component is broken

4.2. Place Checkout CTA field above the page fold

4.3. Shipping details section is ver unconventional

4.3.1. Best practice: 1. Remove shipping details and place in checkout funnel. Preselect destination based on IP but allow the user to change store. 2. Elevate this in KVP.

4.3.2. Option two A/B test for quick win: UI design should not be fill width. It places it too low on the screen. Redesign the this component. Change checkbox to radio. remove select CTA's, alter the headline and other UX improvements.

4.4. Redesign the order summary. as per UI best practices.

4.5. Elevate the store pick into KVP banner

4.6. Replace "pay Securely" with "Checkout" These mean very different things.

4.7. Give greater visual prominence to "checkout CTA" This should be the action users take. Decrease visual prominence of all other distractions e.g. Have gift card.

4.8. Remove donation? is this important still?

5. 2/10 Checkout

5.1. 1 year conversion rate of .4%. This is considerably lower than ecommerce averages which typically can get to around the 2% mark and higher.

5.1.1. Free shipping component is broken.

5.1.2. IE Baseline: Set up enhanced analytics to monitor each stage of the checkout.

5.1.3. Remove unecesary Fields ie. Telephone

5.1.4. Redesign order summary form: Actual order form is difficult to read. Very poor contrast ratio. Also no CTA and no progress meter leaves the person feeling that they are not in control of the process.

5.1.5. Remove dropdown for credit card type. Auto detect on number input.

5.1.6. Redesign UI to three columns simple layout. e.g. Susan

5.1.7. Alternative option: Much larger effort but staged checkout would be ideal e.g. Take influence from John lewis / Myer

5.1.8. Make expiry date input

5.1.9. Asyncronous error messages. Display them as the user enters in incorrect information.

5.1.10. Implement Store pickup in the process as the first step of checkout.

5.1.11. Checkout funnel replace header with a custom distraction free checkout header.

5.1.12. Implement one field address detection

6. Home Page Score: 4/10

6.1. Header

6.1.1. Remove top top nav Home, not necesary, beyond the fairways (0.1%) move to footer, Store locator 1.36% (move this the footer, but also given prominence on home page header using the users IP address), social media icons not being used Social media icons are not being used in that location.

6.1.2. Search 1/10: popular searches for 'drivers', 'golf grips' return no or innacurate results Implement predictive results Implement top 5 common searches Redesign UI Improve results matching Redesign results page

6.1.3. On Scroll desktop, fixed menu at top turns into hamburger to take users back to top.

6.1.4. Elevate brand and KVP here

6.1.5. Cart If cart value is below $100, elevate Free shipping USP to encourage the user to spend more.

6.1.6. Show nearest store based on IP address

6.2. Carousel: slides Aeroburder 0.11%, 0.02% Turners crossing, 0.41% Game ready. 1: All slides are not driving traffic and none work to assist driving conversions and revenue.

6.2.1. A/B with a primary campaign and clear call to action.

6.3. 6 Image tiles

6.3.1. No visual hierarchy, no clear call to actions. A lot of different information to throw at a user at the one time. Implement UX process. 1 Identify hypothesis of what users want to see first. 2. Establish clear data driven goals 3. As a collective team prioritise the list based on best practice and business client knowledge 4. Validate with data 5. design out revisions 5. UX talk to real clients (interview usability testing ongoing small amount) 5. A/B test.

6.4. Hot products

6.4.1. Too many products. Ones not immediately visible not driving traffic. IE baseline: Measure the real impact with events on conversion & revenue. A/B Test number of products e.g. only show three at a time. A/B test call to actions

6.5. Tabs

6.5.1. No visual hierarchy, no CTA no data to suggest if this is in use or helps the user on the Drummond website IE baseline: place events on tabs. Identify what percentage of users who use the tabs make a purchase.

6.6. Footer

6.6.1. Footer is largely inline with best practice A/B Add security and payment method signals Add set of links 'Quick Help' with phone number and Delivery info, Refunds & returns Place privacy policy along with copyright below. Could add column of links to product categories. Provides users with a valuable next step Newsletter subscriptions. Elevate this more. What does the user receive, why would they sign up.

6.7. Become a Drummond member 0.19% conversion rate. 80% or more abandonment rate.

6.7.1. Is this worth keeping?, if so look at optimising sign up and giving it greater prominence on home page. Currently I see this is a distraction on the homepage.

6.8. AVG page load time

6.8.1. Homepage is faster than average. 1.8mb size, which is good.

6.9. Mobile

6.9.1. All critiques to desktop apply to mobile

7. User cases

7.1. Since Jan 1st 2.5 mil hit the 1. home page, 30% are 2. clicking a product type (clubs 13.25%), 3. Over 50% are using the grid view (package sets 18%, 4. 38% go the next page. 4. Select Product 5. View cart 6. Click Checkout 7.

7.2. Search by full sets of clubs

7.3. Search by brand

8. 5/10 Product Category e.g. Clubs Page

8.1. Make Full width. Left column is just a distraction at this stage. It does not help the user filter products.

8.2. Currently a lot of traffic is driven to category pages which is an unecesary step in the purchase funnel.

8.2.1. A/B test when primary navigation say 'clubs' is not actually a link just a drop down for the megamenu

8.2.2. Remove title tags on primary navigation items.

9. Product Type Page e.g Drivers

9.1. A/B test more info buttons.