Past Continuous

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Past Continuous por Mind Map: Past Continuous

1. Affirmative

1.1. Use was/were followed by the verb+ing

1.2. Example:1)He was wearing a hat 2)We were drinking cofee

2. Negative

2.1. Uses was not/were followed by the verb +ing

2.2. Example:1)He was not wearing a hat 2)We were not drinking coffee

3. Interrogative

3.1. Usewas/were+subject/pronoun+verb+ing

3.2. Example:1)Was he wearing a hat?2)Were you drinking coffee?

4. Connectors

4.1. A connector shows the relationship betweeen ideas in two clauses

4.2. The connectors are:Before ,or, but and now that

5. Use Past Continuous

5.1. We use the Past Continuous to say what was happening around a past time

6. Exercise

6.1. I was playing

6.2. I wast not playing

6.3. Was i playing?