Sandhya Thiyagarajan Production Engineer Dow Chemical Company

Plan your projects and define important tasks and actions

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Sandhya Thiyagarajan Production Engineer Dow Chemical Company por Mind Map: Sandhya Thiyagarajan Production Engineer Dow Chemical Company

1. Dow Chemical Company

1.1. Begins in July

1.2. Design work

1.3. Supervise

1.3.1. Included

1.3.2. Included

1.3.3. Excluded

2. Goal

2.1. Practic

3. Search

3.1. Employment

3.2. Great Companies

4. Penn Engineering’s

4.1. Curriculum

4.1.1. Materials

4.1.2. Personel

4.1.3. Services

4.1.4. Duration

4.2. Course

4.2.1. Define Project Schedule Dependencies Milestones

4.2.2. Limitations Schedule Budget

4.2.3. Define Project Development Measurement KPI's

4.3. Ideas