Crimes and Punishments

Collect, Process, Organize, Do and Review your tasks with this productive technique

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Crimes and Punishments por Mind Map: Crimes and Punishments

1. Criminals

1.1. Shoplifter

1.1.1. Steals goods from a shop while pretending to be a customer

1.2. Kidnapper

1.2.1. Takes people away by force and demands money to free them

1.3. Burglar

1.3.1. Breaks in to buildings to steal

1.4. Murderer

1.4.1. Deliberately kills another person

1.5. Gangster

1.5.1. Is a member of a violent criminal gang (group)

1.6. Hoolingan

1.6.1. Is a violent young troublemaker

1.7. Mugger

1.7.1. Attacks and robs people in a public place

1.8. Pickpocket

1.8.1. Steals money etc from other people's pockets

1.9. Terrorist

1.9.1. Uses violence for political reasons

1.10. Vandal

1.10.1. Deliberately destroys or damages public property

1.11. Accomplice

1.11.1. Helps another person to commit a crime

2. Punishments

2.1. Fine

2.1.1. Pay money as punishment for minor/petty crime

2.2. Life sentence

2.2.1. When someone guilty of murder or other serious crimes is sent to prison for "life"

2.3. House arrest

2.3.1. Remain in one's home for a certain period of time

2.4. License supension

2.4.1. Driving rights are removed for a certain period of time

2.5. Jail time

2.5.1. Spend a certain amount of months or years locked away from society

2.6. Community Service

2.6.1. Do volunteer work such as teaching children about crime or cleaning up garbage

2.7. Hospital order

2.7.1. To confine someone to hospital under arrest

3. Crimes

3.1. Murder

3.1.1. Taking someone's life through violence

3.2. Burglary

3.2.1. Going into another person's home or business with force

3.3. Fraud

3.3.1. Lying or cheating for business or monetary purposes

3.4. Smuggling

3.4.1. Bringing products into a country secretly and illegally

3.5. Assault

3.5.1. Hurting another person physically

3.6. Vandalism

3.6.1. Damaging public or private property

3.7. Kidnapping

3.7.1. Taking a person to a secret location using force

3.8. Torture

3.8.1. Extremely cruel and unfair treatment

3.9. Shoplifting

3.9.1. Stealing merchandise from a store

3.10. Hijacking

3.10.1. Holding people in transit hostage

3.11. Speeding

3.11.1. Driving beyond the speed limit

4. Others

4.1. Enforce a law

4.1.1. The Job of making sure that people obey the law

4.2. Go to jail

4.2.1. A place where people are kept when they hace been arrested and are being punished for a crime

4.3. Get sentenced

4.3.1. The punishment given to a person convicted of a crime.

4.4. Put on probation

4.4.1. Is a period of time when a criminal needs to be on their best behavior

4.5. Graffiti

4.5.1. Writing or drawings scribbled, scratched or sprayed illicitly on a wall or other surface in a public place

4.6. Against the law

4.6.1. Opposed to; in conflict or disagreement with the law