CNP - New Contractor Checklist

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CNP - New Contractor Checklist por Mind Map: CNP - New Contractor Checklist

1. Payroll

1.1. If Contractor is from US

1.1.1. W9 Info and instructions about W9

1.1.2. Direct Deposit Form

1.2. CNP Contract

1.3. If Contractor is International

1.3.1. Paypal Contractor Pay Fees

1.3.2. Zoom We Pay Fees

1.4. Email these to

1.4.1. [email protected]

2. Operations

2.1. Communications Integration

2.1.1. Create @cnpintegrations email address

2.2. Review Active Collab

2.2.1. Add User to Active Collab (using cnpintegrations email)

2.3. Assign them to New Contractor Project

2.4. Inform Contractor about Payment Cycle

2.5. Review Online Handbook

2.5.1. Logins are stored here

2.5.2. Toolchest

2.6. CloudAccess Login

2.7. PDF Handbook

2.8. Review Tasking Process

2.9. Do not assign to any other project before Donna get's billing confirmed

3. Contractor Profile

3.1. Name

3.2. Phone

3.3. Email

3.4. Timezone

3.4.1. UTC+1

3.5. Email these to

3.5.1. [email protected]

3.5.2. [email protected]