Brainstorming Pros & Cons

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Brainstorming Pros & Cons por Mind Map: Brainstorming Pros & Cons

1. Jessica: Can be difficult to stay focused / on task to achieve a specific purpose or determine a specific solution to a problem

2. Laura: Introverts, who think before they speak may tend to be viewed by others are not contributing as extroverts may be shouting out answers and actively participating.

3. A way for students to hear all ideas

4. Susan: participants might not feel free enough to suggest things that they don't think will be considered...they "judge" themselves, and by not adding their suggestions, the potential of it sparking a different thought is lost.

5. Karen: Allows ideas to build off of one another, whole new concepts can come out of free conversation

6. Karen: Stronger personalities can take over the session, so those group members who are more shy, are less likely to participate.

7. Jessica: Encourages positive teamwork and collaboration

8. Laura: one point can spark another idea that no one had thought of on their own.

9. Jesse- Lack of critical filters. Brainstorming is said to work because critical thinking is banned, allowing for a freer flow of original ideas

10. Jesse - Inhibition- One theory for the poor performance of brainstorming groups is that people feel inhibited by the presence of others, particularly their boss or other senior workers.

11. Ann: If a group is feeding off each other in a positive way, it can lead to those important feelings of bonding and belonging.

12. Ann: Too many ideas can lead to people feeling lost, confused, or feel their ideas aren't on the same track as their group members.

13. Kristi: Brainstorming can take you towards a solution that you may not have previously considered.

13.1. Kristi: Can go off on irrelevant tangents that take longer to come up with a solution than is necessary

14. HEATHER: Negative - Can be difficult to ensure everyone has had the chance to contribute.

15. Kindra:- ideas from different perspectives are shared, and can help to reach a common goal or solve a problem.

15.1. Kindra- Cons of brainstorming: Dominant personalities may take over the conversation. Also it becomes easy to get off topic and no longer be productive.

16. Melissa BP- Everyone can express their idea's with out being judged

17. Melissa BP-Disadvantage is how unorganized it can look

18. Violet - Disadvantage - can't always come up with things

19. Violet - Advantage - sometimes can come up with something while brainstorming that you would never have thought of by yourself

20. Sharon - shy people may not feel comfortable speaking up

21. Lena: Helps alleviate the stress and burden of finding an answer/solution on your own

22. Lena: Can produce too many ideas to weed through

23. Susan: You can even suggest crazy ideas without feeling like you shouldn't

24. Denise: From ideas, come ideas so this is a great way to get your imagination working by building on other ideas to reach a common goal!

25. Denise: Not all learners are comfortable sharing in an open forum regardless if their ideas are critiqued or evaluated during the first step

26. Nicole: Ideas from different perspectives are shared. Learners are exposed to ideas beyond their own biases.

27. Nicole: Brainstorming can be time consuming. Setting a time constraint on a brainstorming session can exclude some other great ideas.

28. HEATHER: Positive - Small groups allow for more comfort (Maslow), and increase options for next stage of project/activity