Comienza Ya. Es Gratis
ó regístrate con tu dirección de correo electrónico

1. José María Campo Serrano (1886-1887):


1.1.1. electric lightning

1.1.2. potable water


1.2.1. Magdalena

1.2.2. La Sabana

2. Eliseo Payán (1887):

2.1. freedom of press

2.2. friend of liberals

2.3. removed of presidency

3. Rafael Nuñez (1887-1888):

3.1. founded El Banco Nacional

3.2. organized a conference Iberoamericana in Panama

3.3. send people to la Guerra Del Pacifico

4. Carlos Holguín Mallarino (1888-1892):

4.1. Government based on modernization


4.2.1. La Policia Nacional

4.2.2. Teatro Colon

4.2.3. Hospital Militar

4.2.4. Stablished 1 telephone services

5. Miguel Antonio Caro (1892-1898):

5.1. Nationalized alcohol and Tabaco

5.2. Bad relationship with the people

5.3. had to give the presidency

6. Manuel Antonio Sanclemente (1898-1900):

6.1. Old man

6.2. During his mandate:

6.2.1. Fight: liberals vs. government

6.2.2. Guerra de los mil dias

6.2.3. Betrayed by the vice-president

6.2.4. Golpe de estado

7. José Manuel Marroquín (1900-1904):

7.1. Betrayed and torture the last president

7.2. During presidency:

7.2.1. Reformation of education divided school and university system

7.2.2. Gaved part of Panama´s canal to U.S.A

8. Rafael Reyes (1904-1909):

8.1. liberals in his government

8.2. lots of fights

8.3. overcome a financial crisis

8.4. promoted growth of new industries

9. Ramón González Valencia (1909-1910):

9.1. Call Asamblea Constituyente

9.1.1. study and approve changes carta magna 1886

9.2. long period of peace

9.3. falsos positivos

9.4. negotiate with U.S.A separation of Panama

10. Carlos Eugenio Restrepo (1910-1914):

10.1. Raised taxes

10.2. economy went up

10.3. buck up the church

10.4. conservative with some liberals ideas

10.5. part of "Thomson-Urrutia"

10.5.1. 25 million dollars to colombia

10.5.2. free passage through the canal for Colombian ships.

11. José Vicente Concha (1914-1918):

11.1. Started world war one

11.2. economy went down

11.3. spent money only for necessary

11.4. reduced people in the government and army

11.5. signed treaty Suárez-Muñoz Vernaza

12. Marco Fidel Suárez (1918-1922):

12.1. Had a lot of problems

12.1.1. he had not support of a lot of conservatives

12.1.2. workers hate him decrease salaries and put more hours

12.1.3. Crisis Montenaria

12.2. Quit the presidency before it finishes

13. Pedro Nel Ospina (1922-1926):

13.1. invited liberals in his government

13.2. boost national infrastructure

13.3. created Banco Agrícola Hipotecario.

13.4. first president to use airplanes to make missions

14. Miguel Abadía Méndez (1926-1930):

14.1. Last president of the conservative hegemony

14.2. arranged maritime and land boundaries


14.3.1. public work

14.3.2. education

14.3.3. Indian missions

14.4. Sufferd political and economic problems