My Foundations of Education

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My Foundations of Education por Mind Map: My Foundations of Education

1. Curriculum and Pedagogy

1.1. Humanist Curriculum is the concept of presenting our students with the absolute best of what has been taught and written.

1.2. Social Efficacy Curriculum shows the need for individualized and flexible curriculum.

1.3. contemporary critical curriculum theory, ormal, informal, and hidden curriculum Are other curriculum theories discussed in our text.

1.4. Dewey was a visionary of Progressive curriculum.

1.5. Romantic Progressivist, A.S. Neil showed openness by not engaging in direct curriculum.

1.6. Curriculum is shaped by the politics of the curriculum. Ultimately, people in power have the authority to decide: US Committee on Education and Labor, State School Board, and Local School Board.

2. Equality of Opportunity

2.1. Social Stratification

2.1.1. Caste: race or religious based

2.1.2. Estate: Family Worth

2.1.3. Class: economic pursuits

2.2. The Coleman Study

2.2.1. I agree with the study. I believe that the book does not go into enough detail on this study. However, my personal belief is that the main factor in determining the outcome of a student's education is parental involvement. This is evident in the findings that middle class students did the best. Wealthy parents tend to not be bothered by their children's downfalls or lack of effort and rarely, in my personal experience, do extremely poor parents get involved in any aspect of their students lives. Middle class parents work hard to ensure that their children have better opportunities than they did.

2.3. Educational Achievement for women have been an uphill battle simple because of classroom perspectives, namely in math. As women shift the focus of gender to a focus of equality, this will only improve.

3. Educational Inequality

3.1. There are two Sociological Theories on Educational Inequality.

3.2. First, Functionalist desire a fair ad merit based process of sorting out the elite.

3.3. The second theory, Conflict desires that the school reproduce inequality, trying to "balance" the learning field.

3.4. Let's remember here the Coleman report and our dicsussion on parental involvement.

3.5. School Centered Explanations include School- financing, School Research, Curriculum, and Grouping.

3.6. School Financing is a huge source of inequality in schools, especially when we are discussing career and technical classes. Having the ability to simulate the workforce is crucial in developing experienced and highly trained students. This is much more difficult if we do not have current equipment or relevant tools.

4. Educational Reform

4.1. No Child Left Behind created unrealistic hoops for educators to jump through. Some minds do not test well. Some students simply can not meets those standards. This is only second to last in the reform pot, common core will lead the way in worst reform in our schools

4.2. Full Service and Community Schools  serve as both school house and community center after hours.

4.3. Quality Control is a huge factor in school reform. Is the quality of the individual teacher a focus or are we simply filling positions to keep our schools open. Do low income schools have the resources to retain the highly qualified instructors?

4.4. Pre-School Programs are another social reform designed to enhance the educational success of the student. We have seen these in our surrounding communities such as head start and 4 year classes. They are not in our local rural community.

4.5. Technology Challenge is a relevant way we are promoting educational reform. The latest in technology is all of the classrooms now having access to wifi.

4.6. After school programs and summer programs balances the pendulum for students whose parents cannot provide rich learning experiences outside of school.

5. Sociological Perspectives

5.1. the theoretical perspective concerning the relationship between school and society are fundamental and complex;

5.1.1. "an integration of all know principles, laws, and information pertaining to a specific area of study'.

5.2. three effects of schooling on individuals that you think have the greatest impact on students

5.2.1. Teacher behaviour and expectation directly relates to student outcome.

5.2.2. Knowledge and Attitudes are also a reflection of education received.

5.2.3. Employment is also a factor. Our motto is College or Career Ready. Our whole purpose in education is to enable the individual to become a contributing member of our society.

6. Politics of Education

6.1. Neo- liberal reform has five predominate areas of valus

6.1.1. Austerity

6.1.2. Market- Model

6.1.3. Indivualism

6.1.4. State Intervention

6.1.5. Economic prosperity race and class

6.2. Progressivism ranges from left liberal to radical spectrum.

6.2.1. I am closer to the liberal spectrum of progressivism whereas I identigy with the need for" balancing the economic productivity of capitolism with th social and economic needs of the majority of the people". I, too, value equality of opportunity.

7. History of U.S. Education

7.1. 1. describe a reform movement that you think has had the most influence; and

7.2. Equality of Education

7.2.1. Favorite Quote: Our Constitution is color blind, and neither knows nor tolerates classes among citizens...all citizens are equal before the law....The law regards man as man, and takes no account of his surroundings or his color. Ravitch, 1983, p120

8. Philosophy of Education

8.1. Existentialism and Phenomology: Generic notion: The idea that people must create meaning and relevance from existance

8.1.1. curriculum

8.2. key researchers

8.2.1. Soren Kierkegaard (1813-1855)

8.2.2. Martin Buber (1878- 1965)

8.2.3. Maxine GReene

8.3. The goal of education should be to focus on the individual student,' cognitively and affectively.

8.4. The teacher's role is to create the opportunity and atmosphere for each child to learn. This includes the use of engaged pedagogy: being transparent at times.

8.5. The teacher's role is to create the opportunity and atmosphere for each child to learn. This includes the use of engaged pedagogy: being transparent at times.

8.6. Curriculum is typically literature based. It should focus of humanities and the strengths and weakness of mankind

9. Schools as Organizations

9.1. Former Senentor HarriAnne Smith

9.1.1. Senator HarriAnne Smith made sevreral purchase for school improvement, including my storage cabinets.

9.2. Senator Martha Roby

9.2.1. Senator Roby fight for highly qualified teachers.

9.3. Governor Robert BEntley

9.4. Interim Phillip Cleveland

9.4.1. Interim Cleveland was formerly the head of Career and Technical Education in Alabama and he actively shows the relevance of college and CAREER readiness and it's significance in the the individiual school through career technical programs.

9.5. District 2 Representative Betty Peters

9.6. Superintendent Diane Flourenoy

9.6.1. Superintendent Flourenoy is active in the schools. She makes herself present in the halls and classrooms to promote openness and unity in our school.