Create a To-Do list for your upcoming tasks

Comienza Ya. Es Gratis
ó regístrate con tu dirección de correo electrónico

1. Superioridad

1.1. My mother's car is FASTER than mine

1.2. Dog are CUTER than cats

2. Short Adjetive's

3. Superlativa

3.1. I'm the TALLEST in my family

4. Inferioridad

4.1. A my house in not as BIG as a my neighbors

5. Igualdad

5.1. Adan Sandler is as FUNNY as a rock

6. Long Adjetive's

7. Superioridad

7.1. Red rose and more BEAUTIFULL than blue roses

7.2. Meryl Streep is more SOPHISTICATED than Miley Cyrus

8. Superlativa

8.1. Harry Potter is the most INTERESTING book I have ever read

9. Inferioridad

9.1. A robot is not as INTELLIGENT as a person

10. Igualdad

10.1. Roses are as ROMANTIC as lilacs