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1. Tags

1.1. Title

1.2. Description

1.3. Categories

1.3.1. What to teach WTT

1.3.2. How to teach HTT

1.3.3. What to teach with WTW

1.4. Competency domain

1.4.1. Medical Knowledge Cataract Glaucoma etc

1.4.2. Professionalism

1.4.3. Interpersonal and Communication skills

1.4.4. Systems based practice

1.4.5. Patient Care

1.4.6. Practice Based Learning

1.5. Resource type

1.5.1. Collection

1.5.2. Learning object

1.6. importance

1.7. Guideline

1.8. Learning resource type

1.8.1. Presentation

1.8.2. Course

1.8.3. Video

1.8.4. Quiz

1.8.5. Cases

1.9. Level

1.9.1. Residency

1.9.2. Advanced

1.10. Language

1.10.1. English

1.10.2. Spanish

1.10.3. etc

1.11. Date

1.12. Contributor

1.13. Type

1.13.1. Text

1.13.2. Video

1.13.3. Audio

1.13.4. Multimedia

1.14. Interactivity

1.15. Interactivity level

1.16. Source