Undefined Articles

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Undefined Articles por Mind Map: Undefined Articles

1. It used to before a word beginning with a consonant or "h" vacuumed. However, it becomes an when the word that follows begins with a vowel or "h" molt.

1.1. Examples

1.1.1. a boy a woman a soldier a house an actor

2. However, attention to words beginning with a vowel but they sound "iu" take the indefinite article

2.1. Examples

2.1.1. a European a useful book a university

3. It used the indefinite article a / an in front of the nationality of the persons used as names.

3.1. Examples

3.1.1. a Spaniard a Frenchman a German

4. Before professions

4.1. Examples

4.1.1. I am a teacher He is an architect Peter is a writer

5. To form the plural of the indefinite article a / an adjective resorted to some, we translate for a, a.  Some served for male and female plural.

5.1. Examples

5.1.1. some books some girls