Fast, Tasty, Fresh Pizza

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Fast, Tasty, Fresh Pizza por Mind Map: Fast, Tasty, Fresh Pizza

1. Research

1.1. No survey because it is hard to categorize data according to gender and age

1.1.1. Solution is to create a few common flavors and make a pizza delicious choosing one of them

1.2. Common pizza recipes

1.2.1. Online

1.3. Practice in school

1.3.1. Mrs. Woodard

1.3.2. Friends and classmates

2. Toppings

2.1. Meat

2.1.1. Bacon

2.1.2. Chicken

2.1.3. Pork

2.1.4. Pepperoni

2.1.5. Ham

2.2. Seafood

2.2.1. Shrimp

2.2.2. fish

2.2.3. Crab

2.3. Others

2.3.1. Mushroom

2.4. Vegetables/Fruits

2.4.1. pineapple

2.4.2. pepper

2.4.3. onions

3. Shape of pizza

3.1. Abnormal

3.1.1. Square

3.1.2. Rectangle

3.2. Normal

3.2.1. Circle

4. Target Audience

4.1. To all ages

5. Possible Concerns

5.1. Lack of making pizza experience

5.1.1. Possible errors, lack of experience causes mistakes

5.2. Uncooked/over cooked Pizza

5.2.1. Defeats the whole purpose of a tasty pizza

5.3. Allergies

5.3.1. health issues

6. Main Intention

6.1. To create a fast, tasty, fresh pizza for affordable price for all ages to enjoy

6.1.1. Needs to be fast because it is sold in food trucks, people won't wait a long time to make a slice of pizza, approx. 15 minutes for pizza to be finished

6.1.2. Affordable price being each slice cost around $20 Hong Kong Dollars, people won't buy expensive pizza

6.1.3. Freshly baked after order because people want fresh food, its human nature to want the best you can get

7. Pizza Itself

7.1. sauce Base?

7.1.1. Tomato

7.1.2. Pesto

7.2. Size

7.2.1. Per slice 4.5 inches

7.2.2. As a whole 12 inches

7.3. Crust?

7.3.1. Cheesy

7.3.2. Thin

7.3.3. Normal