My Plan for Sem Break

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My Plan for Sem Break por Mind Map: My Plan for Sem Break

1. Sunday Mass

2. Go shopping with my family

3. Bonding with friends

4. Picnic with my Family

5. Movie Marathon

6. instagram

7. Youtube

8. Play the Guitar

9. Pet My cat

10. Play with my sisters

11. Read Online Articles

12. Stay up all night

13. Sleep over

14. Photoshop

15. Advance reading

16. Study Korean Language

17. Surf Google

18. Read Books

19. Read E-books at Wattpad

20. Watch Kdramas

21. Twitter

22. facebook

23. watch livestreams

24. Watch recorded concerts

25. K-pop

26. Watch series

27. Play the Piano

28. Play computer games

29. Buzzfeed

30. Dance Covers