how many species on earth?

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how many species on earth? por Mind Map: how many species on earth?

1. they are different family types of different animals. some might be weir than others

1.1. scientist have been working diffrent blood types and which species we have found and what we havent just like some family of monkeys

1.2. when they were born with that blood type they will be born with different body parts or color

1.3. it is because of the different blood types they were born with

2. the are atleast 8.7 million species

2.1. some species you might know like fish bears tigers lions pumas and us

2.2. but the human race have not found most of the species maybe later on we would find more

2.3. we are looking all over for new species but most of them are in the ocean or hiding or the were extinct before the human race was born

3. different species all ways help each other out

3.1. some way or an like the spiders and the flys the spiders eat the flys and we dont have any flies around are food

3.2. when the different species were found we were spoked

3.3. we are species as well people just dont want to be called animals