Translating or Translation?

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Translating or Translation? por Mind Map: Translating or Translation?


1.1. UNIVERSIDAD IEXPRO. (s.f.) Teaching English Through Translation. Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas, México.

2. Process of translating

2.1. The practical approach

2.2. Models for translating

2.2.1. Textilinguistic model

2.2.2. Sociocultural translation

2.2.3. Computational model

2.2.4. Interdisciplinar model

2.2.5. Sociocultural translation

2.2.6. Textilinguistic model

3. The Critical Approach

3.1. Frames

4. Translation theory today

4.1. Overt VS Covert Translation

4.2. Do all foreign values disappear in translation

4.3. Pragmatics

4.3.1. Literary texts and specialist texts

5. The translator's competence