Photography on iPhone

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Photography on iPhone por Mind Map: Photography on iPhone

1. close up details

1.1. Don't zoom in because the photos will be blurry.

1.2. Focus on the close up details and then the background will be blurry.

1.3. Some close up ideas are plants.

1.4. Another idea is going up really close so there is no background.

2. sometimes use filters

2.1. What apps would be good for filters?

2.2. Is there any good apps that doesn't cost money that will work good?

2.3. Use black and white and simple filters not crazy filters.

2.4. Sometimes on apps you can make the background black and white and the object your focusing on be in color.

3. lighting

3.1. How can I make different lighting?

3.2. Maybe get a couple lights around the thing.

3.3. How can I make a dark lighting?

3.4. How can I make a brighter lighting?

4. persepective

4.1. When should I do a low angle?

4.2. When should I do a high angle?

4.3. You can make it higher perspective maybe by standing on a chair.

4.4. You can make it a lower perspective by laying on the ground.